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Long long LONG the word was sadly dying.. Weird and powerful looking monsters came.. Killing millions and millions each day..

Slowly fading water slowly disappearing forest burning and getting chomped.. Animals dying the world was a pretty big mess. So all kingdoms decided to come together ans live as one kingdom as they made a massive barrier forthere kingdom they were..

In peace..

Years passed by and it still pretty much stayed the same until..

Until a misunderstanding came.

And boy oh boy things started to get violence..

Ever since the kings and queens all agreed to live together in one kingdom thibgs started to turn out bad.. Since people in different kingdoms usually live in different kind of ways then the others

For like example the snow kingdom lives in such cold weather theres a chance of you getting frostbite so rip for does who live next to them

Also the people who live in the snow Kingdom already got used to the cold weather they don't even need warm clothes to get warm so the cold never really bothers them

(*inserts elsa vibes*)

And since all kingdoms dont really agree on most of there opinions like the way how they survive by the way things are suppose to do

" no no! Your suppose to do it like this!"

Yelled an adult who was from the steam kingdom whos technology is more like a clockworking thibg with steam and metal

" ughh... Like sure does rusty old pipes and metal will help! And stop bringing out annoying reasons u steam freak! "

Another adult yelled who was from glitch kingdom whos technology was more like futuristic style

" yeah sure like yours gonna work! I mean just lokk at it! Your making a mess you glitch freak! "

Yelled the man who was from the steam kingdom as the men whi was from the glitch kingdom looked pissed as the two continued to fight

( You see here readers? Yup. Just a bunch of assholes not knowing the word 'teamwork' )

Time and time passed seeing how different kind of environments are mostly killing people.. Like how the witch kingdom slowly killing the crops because of not really learning how to understand magic.. It also seemed like it was..


Time and time passed again seeing how most crops are dying and to blame are the witch's, snow people or demons, the fire people and the darkness


Life on there land slowly perished as animals were Immediately band to be eaten and were kept on extreme lockdown breeding them

While people starve on the kingdoms so this was a really huge problem..
Some started to he bugs and rats to survive..

They couldn't handle in no more and violence broke.

Setting up fure destroying homes guards awakening and trying to stop the fight..

Hunger and greed were everywhere. Some guards eventually started to each other and became greedy attacking the Kings and Queens

As they saw one child who was from the animal kingdom who needed to be hidden since it said they had the taste of animals..

Sadly the child was killed and torn apart by people leaving the mother crying revealing her self trying to save her dead kid but ended up dying and being torn apart her flesh and blood was taken being eaten many tried to stop the fight even the king and Queens tried.

This happened for a month. As it was now clear.

No shall cross the wall and barrier.

All kingdom left and made a map taking a large property and take it. Some go underneath the ocean and take it.

Some travel far and wide.

Some up in the sky.

Some in the forest well.

I somehow lost motivation a lil since i remembered I have class tomorrow...

:(( im really sorry and i might not be able to post much

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