Chapter 35

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After almost 5 minutes I was considered leaving when Joe appeared in the doorway by himself.

"Olivia." He just said my name.

I looked into his face without saying anything. I had missed him so much.

Before I knew what I was doing I ran across the room and threw myself at him hugging him tightly. He hugged me back just as tightly.

As soon as his arms went around me I was crying again. I felt like all I did recently was cry.

When we finally pulled away he wiped my face of its tears, "don't cry." He said softly, "I don't want to see you cry."

"I miss you." I admitted.

"I miss you too." He said his hand still on my cheek, his other arm around my waist.

"Can we stop this? Can we go back to being us? You can't listen to what Ethan said. My brother is an idiot. I hate him." I spoke softly and looked directly into his eyes.

"You don't hate him."

"I know." I sighed, "but I'm mad."

"I know. But he had a point. We were stupid. All those times you snuck into my house. What if someone did see you. What if mum caught you coming in and out? I know we always said it was never going to happen but it could have happened Olivia. I love you so much. More than I thought possible when I first met you a few months ago. I couldn't let anything happen to you."

"So what's your solution to that?" I stayed close to him as I spoke, I didn't want to move away, I didn't want his arm to drop from around me, "I love you too. I can't stay away. I want to be with you. I'm ok with a little risk if it means being with you. But if you're not we can do this another way. I won't go to your house anymore. We can only see each other outside. You can come to mine. Just don't tell Ethan if you do."

"I don't know if we can." He said slowly moving his hand from my cheek into my hair.

I stepped back out of his arms, "I'm not going to force you." I said looking at my feet now. I forced myself not to cry. I wouldn't cry in front of him. At least not again.

He stepped forward so he was right in front of me again his arms went back around me, I didn't fight him or pull away, "I want to," he said, "I want to more than anything. I just don't know if we can."

I looked back into his eyes, "we can. So don't say that as your excuse. You want to or you don't."

He looked back into my eyes and the seconds seemed to drag out into minutes. Then he pulled me closer against him, removing the space between us he brought my lips to his.

He kissed me like he was hungry for me. He picked me up of my feet and held me against him. My arms went around his back. I kissed him back with just as much passion.

As my legs wrapped around him he leant back slightly, still holding onto me tightly, "we are in my cousins room." He said, his face only millimetres away from mine.

I blushed and tried to jump down but he held onto me tight so that my legs dangled in the air above the ground, "Joe!" I laughed.

"I don't want to let you go," he muttered, he was so close now our lips were touching, "ever again."

"I don't either." I kissed him, then pulled away, "but Joanne is downstairs. And her mum! And they're going to think we are fighting or doing something else if we don't go downstairs soon."

"Fine." He let me drop gently to the floor. "But doing something else sounds fun." He said suggestively with a raised eyebrow.

I giggled and ran my hands over my hair from where his hands had been running through it messing it up.

Forbidden LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin