Chapter 21

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I decided I wasn't going to get anything out of her and left. I didn't say anything to anyone and ran all the way to Joe's house. From the outside it was quiet.

I didn't know what to do now I was here. I couldn't just go inside. I snuck around the back into the back garden so I could see his bedroom window.

His light was on. I watched his window and then saw movement from the room. He was in his room. This made me feel slightly better.

I tried to think of a way to get his attention. I looked around me and saw a small collection of pebbles.

I took a small one, not wanting to do any damage to the window and threw it. I missed. It took me 5 throws before I hit glass.

Joe came to the window and looked out across the garden. He couldn't see me. I couldn't make myself be seen or else I might attract someone else inside the house. So I threw another pebble. I hit glass again.

He opened his window now and climbed down his tree. He made it look easy.

Once he was on the ground I slowly moved towards him. When he saw me he sighed, "Olivia!" He pulled me into the bushes, "you shouldn't be here."

"I heard there was trouble at dinner, I needed to see you were ok." I ran my hand gently down his face, he didn't look injured, "you're ok?"

"I'm ok." He nodded, "let's go inside."

"Are your parents not there?" I looked at him confused, why did he climb down the tree if he could just walk out the door?

"I've already stopped them coming in my room. If you can climb the tree?"

I looked at it uncertain, "are you sure it's a good idea?"

Joe nodded.

"Ok." I wanted to be with him more than I was worried about climbing the tree. I knew he wouldn't suggest anything that would put me in danger.

Joe helped me climb the tree into his room, he made it look a lot more graceful than I did.

When I got in there I saw his desk chair pushed up against the door handle stopping anyone from entering.

I sat down on the bed and he sat next to me.

"What happened?" I whispered, the last thing we needed was anyone hearing me, "tell me everything."

He told me how everything had been going fine. When they got back Andy had been so tired he went to sleep instantly. Michelle kept threatening to say something during dinner but she never did, or was waiting on a perfect chance. Then when Andy woke up, Joe's mum had asked him about his day at the park and he had said her name. Joe had tried to deny it but it had been no use. Michelle was there to tell the whole story. About how they had been together the whole time and about how much time they spent together. Joe said she also made some stuff up about me. Joe had tried to defend me but that only made the screaming worse. In the end Michelle and her mother had left and Joe had been sent to his room indefinitely.

"I'm sorry." I whispered running my fingers through his hair. I knew this was hard on him. I could see this was hard on him.

"All because Andy loves Liva." He muttered with a chuckle.

"Ok but that was really cute when he said my name like that."

I spent as long as I could in Joe's room with him. We were both about to fall asleep in his bed when Joe shook me awake, "you can't stay here." He said gently.

"But you're warm and comfy." I wrapped my arms and legs around him tightly closing my eyes.

"Oh ok, I'm sure your family would understand then if you just explain that's why you didn't come home." He tightened his grip on me too despite his sarcastic tone.

I groaned and got up. Joe helped me down the tree. It was definitely harder going down than up. He then walked me back to my house where we met Ethan walking down the street.

"There you are!" Ethan said, "I thought I was going to have to go home without you!"

"Sorry." Joe said for me.

"How long are you grounded for?" I asked Joe when we got to the house after Ethan went inside leaving us alone to say goodbye.


I had an idea. "Can I come to your room tomorrow? As long as no one sees me climbing up the tree and we are quiet. We could spend all day there and no one would know."

Joe kissed me, "I'll see you tomorrow."

The next few days before school started were bliss. As long as we were quiet Joe and I could spend all day together just the two of us in the comfort of his bedroom.

If my mother knew where I was she would flip. But what she didn't know didn't hurt her.

Joe's mum only tried to get into the room once. I froze in fear when there was a banging on the door and a call for Joe to open it.

Joe ignored her and she eventually went away.

"How long are you going to ignore her?"

"Not forever. She's still my mum. I'm just annoyed at the moment."

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