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It was a perfectly beautiful, clear and sunny day in Tianqiu Valley. Thus, it was today that Lumine had declared on the spot that they would go fishing.

Xiao had found zero to no interest in such mundane activities of mortals. Eating, sleeping, travelling by foot. But then again, that applied to so many other things that he had entertained Aether and Lumine with throughout their one-year journey together. Although he wasn't used to it, he supposed he had found some activities entertaining (which he will under no circumstance disclose nor admit openly).

He would have indulged in Lumine's shenanigans today, too, if it weren't for a weird sense of unease settling in his gut.

"I'll just watch you guys," he said. Lumine stuck his tongue out at him but Aether only gave a reproachful glance.

As Lumine marched off with a "you snooze you lose", Aether approached Xiao, his eyes spelling concern.

"Is something wrong?" Aether asked.

If Aether were anyone else, Xiao would have flatly stated it was none of their business. But this Aether. How can he turn away from those adorably cute puppy eyes? So, pursing his lips, he came clean.

"I just have a feeling that something's going to happen," Xiao admitted. "I'm not sure what - or whether it's good or bad. Just...something big."

As if on cue, fresh, scorching flames burst into life behind Xiao. Aether jumped, scrambling back fearfully. Xiao, however, merely closed his eyes and sighed, already resigned to his fate.


Xiao simply stood as stiff as an immovable boulder as those flames latched onto him. Aether watched, amused, as Xiao's face evidently soured as the flames - settling down to reveal Indarias - shook his shoulders.

"You won't believe this!" she exclaimed.

"Calm down," Xiao snapped.

Quivering like an arrow, Indarias vigorously shook her head, her mane of curly brown-hair flying everywhere. "No, no, I must absolutely not be calm! You need to come with me, stat!"

"Did you accidentally anger another adeptus with your pranks?" Xiao questioned suspiciously.

"Not this time! Trust me, Xiao!" Turning to Aether, she clapped her hands together. "You don't mind if I borrow him for a while, do you?"

With how this matter was between them, Aether doubted he had any say in the matter. Still, he shrugged. "That's fine with me."

"I'll be back as soon as this is over," Xiao promised. Then, with a step to close the distance between them, he gave Aether a soft peck on his forehead.

Suddenly Aether forgot how to speak. Still frozen to the spot, he watched in a daze as Xiao joined Indarias' side and Indarias waved goodbye to him. He had barely time to raise his hand when the two Yakshas disappeared in a burst of Anemo and Pyro, leaving him and his pounding heart alone.


Bending down and covering his own face - which he was sure was as red as a cherry - he groaned into his hands.

If Xiao kept on pulling a move like that out of nowhere, he wasn't sure if his heart could last for long.


Within a minute, the two Yakshas arrived outside of the reception, startling a few guests at their sudden appearance. Xiao paid them no mind as they gawked, pointed and whispered behind their hands. Strictly zoning in on Indarias, he crossed his arms.

"And?" Xiao questioned. "What's the matter?"

Nervously fiddling with her thumbs, Indarias said, "You...might want to try to keep a cool head when I show you. Don't panic, OK?"

Xiao raised an eyebrow. Was whatever catastrophe Indarias had stirred up this bad she was already begging for him to stay calm? Exhaling, Xiao prepared himself for the worst. Whether it was an entire mountain overturned or an ancient god unleashed for its eternal slumber - both of which have happened before because of the reckless adeptus standing before him.

"Alright, show me the way."

Tentatively, Indarias made her way past the reception and down the stairs into the kitchen. Throughout the way, Xiao kept an eye out for anything out of the ordinary that was a result of Indarias' mayhem. Thus, he was wholly baffled when she stopped in the kitchen. Was this the place? Everything seemed so...ordinary.

That was when a light blue haze came over his vision. Squinting, he tried waving away the odd fog but found that they still stayed.

He opened his mouth, about to question Indarias when an eerily, hauntingly familiar voice spoke from behind him, causing shivers to run down his spine.

"Guess whoo?"

Without a second wasted, he whipped around, infusing his hands with adeptal energy and tackling the figure onto the floor. Burning amber eyes seared into the transparent being held under him. Clenching his hands, he poured more energy into them, ensuring his hold on this... this despicable Aether look-alike.

He doesn't mention how he was reminded of nightmares of Aether blaming him for his incompetence. He doesn't mention how often he saw those once sparkling golden eyes - darkened to a disdainful hue - staring coldly at him. He doesn't mention the endless thoughts of negativity that plagued his mind; thoughts he would never be able to shake off no matter how much he tried to subdue them.

"Indarias..." His voice was audibly trembling with barely suppressed rage - or was it sorrow? "Care to explain this?"

"X-Xiao!" the Aether look-alike gasped. Under his tight grasp, he squirmed and struggled with all his might, legs thrashing wildly. "It's me, Aether!"

Indarias, already as jittery as she is, managed to react quickly and pried Xiao off Aether.

"Are you making a fool of me?" Xiao yelled, but to Aether, it sounded more like a defeated choke. Despite the burning circles around his wrists a reminder that Xiao was hostile to him, Aether still got up, confidently facing the Yaksha - whose expression was twisted with horrible, horrible agony - head on.

"On the day you became of age," Aether began softly. "I gave you almond tofu for the first time."

Xiao froze, amber eyes widening as he processed Aether's words.

"On the day the Archon War ended, we confessed and started dating."

Ah, it was just like yesterday when those things happened. Those happy, lively days with Aether's constant presence like the sun. But it was also a reminder that those happy days were now gone. Aether was dead. That was an unchangeable, undeniable fact. Overwhelmed by it all, Xiao slumped onto his knees, breath coming in heavy sobs.


Aether took it as a sign that it was safe to approach Xiao now. Indarias, too, thought so, releasing Xiao onto the floor and giving them some room. Bending onto his knees, Aether knelt down, gently cupping Xiao's warm cheek in his hand. Something inside him glowed as Xiao nuzzled his hand endearingly, even as precious crystals fell from his closed eyes and his body was wracked in broken hiccups.

"It re-really is you, Aether?"

Xiao had asked with the uncertainty of someone wishing for the impossible. It was silly, foolish, to even think that Aether would come back to him to speak to him one last time. He had long come to terms with the fact that his guilt of not being by Aether's side in his final moments will never be overridden and his many questions of Aether's actions will go unanswered.

But here he was, in front of him. Not alive, but still here, definitely here.

With a nod that made his hope soar up high, Aether smiled with the promise of a next spring. "Real and original. I'm here, Xiao."

Xiao: *chokes Aether*
Aether: H-harder
Xiao: What
Aether: What

In The Midst of SnowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant