Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

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The battle between The Sustainer of Heavenly Principles with Aether and Scaramouche wasn't as intense as one would think. Rather, it was all one-sided. With Aether and Scaramouche blocking close calls with huge blasts of energy, only for the magenta cubes to regenerate as quickly as they were destroyed.

Neither could they get close to the unknown god. Every time Aether or Scaramouche scored a second's worth of distance, they try to land an attack on the lazily floating unknown god. Frustratingly, whenever they got within a certain distance, her star-shaped crosses would intercept their path, acting as moving shields for her.

Their elemental powers and Aether's sword can neither scrape, much less touch the unknown god. Meanwhile, the unknown god simply idly watched them, awaiting for the inevitable moment when they ran out of stamina. She could wait, that didn't matter. It was a fight they cannot win. A fruitless effort, try as they might, but she would allow them at least the slightest honor of fighting to their limit. Perhaps then, they would recognise utter defeat.

The first to falter was Scaramouche. Feverishly, the magenta cubes snapped towards him, consuming even air to reach him.

"Damn it!" Scaramouche cursed. He really wanted to move aside (because who doesn't?!), but he had run out of Electro energy to give himself a proper boost. He raised his arms, even though it was futile, in an attempt to block the attack.

A large explosion threw him off the air and onto the - fortunately - flat rooftop of the palace.

Aether only spared a quick glance to see if Scaramouche was alright before diving away. He had lost considerable distance just to protect him. He supposed he had minutes before he ran out of juice, but the cubes had been slowly but surely adapting their speed to his. So even if he could fly, there was no saying the cubes can't catch up to him before that.

The unknown god seemed to have realised that too. Impassively, she said, "There's nowhere else to flee, outlander. Give it up."

"As if I would stop here!" Aether roared.

Below the game of cat and mouse, Xiao and Lumine had just arrived at the palace's gates. Xiao didn't even acknowledge the gate's existence and barreled through it with full force, allowing nothing to stop him. Lumine, as worried as she was, can't help but think that Xiao really was head over heels for Aether. She really was glad it was him. From the way he acted and the way Aether smiled even more around Xiao, it only showed that Xiao was the perfect one for Aether, as was Aether the perfect one for Xiao.

That's why, dear brother...please hang in there.


Throughout the battle, Barbatos can't help but notice that Morax was totally off his rockers today. While his attacks were powerful, they weren't as accurate and powerful as those during the Archon War when he could literally slam dunk his enemies with one shot; his mind was totally off elsewhere.

"Heeeey Moraaaax!" Barbatos called, flying in circles around his head. A great shudder rocked the ground as another round of stone spears crashed into the battlefield. Even then, Morax still stood as rigidly as ever, not moving a single inch. "Morax! Are you listening?"

"Hm?" Finally, Morax looked up, Cor Lapis eyes glazed over with muddy thoughts. "Did you say something? Pardon me, I wasn't paying attention."

"What's on your mind, blockhead?" Barbatos teased. But to his absolute surprise, Morax didn't even berate him for calling him a blockhead. In fact, he only seemed more anxious!

"My fellow adepti is on the field, and I worry about their safety."

Barbatos knew that Morax's adepti were powerful; though to think that they would throw themselves into this chaos.

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