Chapter 20

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The next day I found Neil rolling himself out of the hospital in a wheelchair

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The next day I found Neil rolling himself out of the hospital in a wheelchair. Alone. 

 I rushed to him in alarm. "What the hell are you doing out here?"

"Someone loosened my chains so I escaped."

"That's not funny—" I started saying but I quickly backtracked when I recognized that familiar smile on his face and everything clicked together in my head. "Wait...but your date for discharge is two days away." 

"I can be pretty convincing when I'm desperate."

Neil's parents came up behind him, their smiles were bright and warm. "The doctor agreed that he would do better at home."

I looked at him for a moment too long, making him uncomfortable. "What? Is it the wheelchair? I know I look pathetic in it."

"What? No. No... it's just..." I trailed off before reaching down and engulfing him in a fierce hug. "I'm so happy."

I was so happy to see him leaving that godforsaken hospital room, and coming home. But more than anything else it was nice to see him smile again. It felt like a dark cloud hovering over him had finally lifted and we finally seemed to have our Neil back. 

I had seen a drastic change in his behavior in the past week, he spoke less and snapped more. Whatever little hope and determination he had seemed to be fading. 

This giant goofball, who had been my rock for as long as I can remember was knocked down brutally, and now every time he tried to get up he found himself stumbling and tripping over himself while he tried to find his balance. 

Tried to find that lost sense of normalcy. 

And I could see the desperation and frustration clawing at him just beneath those blue eyes. The pain was so overwhelming that he often sank—wave after wave. 

I encouraged him- everyone did- reminding him that it would take time and patience for him to get better, and although he nodded to everything we said, I was afraid that he didn't believe us. 

Victor said that it was normal to feel things like that, but it was important to not let it consume you. And that was where I had to step in. 

To support him when he stumbled, to hold his hand through the pain, and not let him give in. It was my turn to be his rock. 

Today was one of the good days, and I was soaking in every moment of it. Every smile and every annoying quippy oneliner from him.  

Once we got to Neil's house he smiled brightly when he spotted Avi and Ashley standing at the front door with a welcome home sign. But his mood seemed to deflate when he spotted the temporary ramp that his parents had put up for him beside the steps to the front door.

When his mother tried to help him up the ramp, he pushed away her hand with a grunt and wheeled up the ramp on his own. "I can do it." 

His parents gave me a weary smile before following him in and I sighed. An hour later after Neil was settled in. I went over to The Cane cafe to get him his favorite brownies.

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