Chapter 9- Meeting Her

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Damola was headed to the pharmacy when he saw her. It was as though all the wind had been knocked out of his windpipe causing him to stop abruptly. After all those years, he could still remember that face, her face.

At first glance, she looked like a carbon copy of his Rachel but as he got closer, he realized that it was not her. This woman was lighter, curvier and triggered almost the same reactions from him as did his Rachel.

He did not know why he still referred to her as Rachel even after discovering that it was an alias. Maybe a part of him wanted to believe what they had shared was real, all the promises, the I love you's. Just maybe, a part of him was tired of running away, tired of all the heartbreaks and the embarrassing moments. Even though second chances seemed out of reach, he still wanted to try.

"How can you say that you inconsiderate imbecile!," the lady yelled at the cashier.

The mysterious woman had started causing a ruckus at the pharmacy and Damola arrived just in time.

"Hello, if you don't mind me asking, what's the problem here?," he asked.

"Can you imagine this man! I came to buy drugs and he is telling me to go and come back because he is going on a break. I explained my reasons to him and he said he didn't care," she lamented sending daggers at the pharmacist.

Damola had seen the way this particular cashier operated and was familiar with the language he spoke; money. There was no point beating around the bush, he was too burnt out for that. He had to intervene because he also needed drugs just like the lady and he could not bear the stress of waiting for the man to come back from his so-called break.

"Hello Mr. I'm sure you can attend to us, right?," he coerced passing him five #1,000 notes.

"Absolutely Oga," the cashier said grabbing the money through the small window, clearly having a change of heart.

"Sorry for the hassle, Ma," the man stated, turning to look at the mysterious lady.

The cashier quickly processed their payments before he scurried away. They proceeded to the pharmacy and were given the respective drugs that they came for.

"Thank you so much for taming the situation Sir, but that was too much. I really don't know how I can thank you enough," the lady said as they were heading out of the pharmacy.

"How about letting me take a beautiful girl like you out on a date," Damola cajoled.

"Excuse you, the name is Oluwabunmi and I am engaged," she defended.

Hearing that only grew Damola's smile. He had dealt with a lot of unfaithful women in the past and did not hesitate to go for this one as well.
She reminded him so much of his Rachel and with his mother breathing down his neck, he wanted to use all his cards wisely.

"Nice to meet you Oluwabunmi, I am Damola. How about lunch then, as friends," he suggested.

"That would be great," she replied with a smile.

Even the smile reminded him of her. It was a bittersweet moment. Here, she was doing everything like her and forcing him to relive all the painful moments but somehow, he still wanted to keep going. There was a drum roll moment in his head but he muted it by reminding himself that it was not over yet. He still needed one more thing, her number.

"Can I have your number so that I can send you the location and time," he asked.

"Okay," she answered.

They quickly exchanged numbers and made his way back to his parents before they all headed home.

He had a smug smile plastered on his face for the whole ride. Mostly, thinking about where he was going to take Oluwabunmi. His mother had asked about what had transpired in the hospital to put him in such a good mood but he would not give her a straight answer until she finally got tired and let the matter rest, for the meantime.

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