"I know you also find it difficult to ask teachers to go to the toilet during lessons, but I do just want to make it very clear that the teachers here at Greenfield's High are very understanding and if you did need to ask to go to the bathroom they would, of course, let you go" Mr Bentley said, before closing Alfie's file and putting it back onto his shelf.

"I'll show you to your homeroom if there isn't anything else you'd like to ask me" Mr Bentley said.

"No, thank you" Alfie answered, picking his backpack up and standing up.

"Your homeroom teacher is Mr Tyler. He will pair you up with somebody who has a similar class schedule to you so they can help you out" Mr Bentley spoke as they both walked down the hallway.

Quickly they arrived outside of Mr Tyler's classroom. Alfie looked inside, seeing around 30 other students chatting, with the teacher was flicking through emails on his computer.

"Sorry to interrupt" Mr Bentley said, knocking lightly on the open classroom door.

The whole class silenced and turned to face Alfie, who could already feel his face blushing pink.

"Alfie, isn't it?" Mr Tyler smiled as he walked up to the door.

"Yes, sir" Alfie replied politely.

"I'm Mr Tyler. I'll be taking you for Math and Homeroom this year" Mr Tyler continued to smile widely.

"Did you manage to read my email?" Mr Bentley asked Mr Tyler.

"Oh, yes. So, I'm absolutely fine with you leaving to go to the bathroom whenever you need to during my lessons" Mr Tyler said in a hushed tone so the other students couldn't hear.

The fact that Mr Bentley had emailed all of Alfie's new teachers about his accidents was beyond embarrassing. He came for a fresh start, not to be labelled as the boy who wets himself on the first day.

"I was just working out who would be the best to pair you up with if you'd like to come to the front with me" Mr Tyler said.

Alfie obediently followed Mr Tyler's instructions, taking a seat next to his computer.

"So, as most of our classes are based alphabetically on last name it looks like Logan would be best for you to buddy up with" Mr Tyler decided after carefully looking at each of his students schedules.

"Logan, could you come here for a second" Mr Tyler instructed.

Alfie watched as a tall, very strong looking boy stood up and made his way to the front of the class. He had the school jersey on, so it was obvious that he was on the football team. Alfie couldn't think of anybody worse to be partnered up with.

"Logan, this is Alfie. He's just transferred over here from Parkview. I was thinking you could help him out a little and show him around" Mr Tyler explained to Logan.

Logan eyed Alfie up closely. Just as Alfie had thought, Logan didn't think Alfie was his type of friend at all. He looked at the skinny, pale boy in front of him and notably clenched his jaw.

"Yeah that's fine" Logan reluctantly said.

"Great. You both have Math with me first period, so get Alfie a seat next to you please" Mr Tyler told Logan.

Logan did what he was told, with Alfie following nervously behind him. Alfie could tell that Logan was looking over to his friends and pulling unkind faces, and that made him even more anxious about the whole situation.

"Sit there if you want" Logan pointed at an empty desk to the right of his own.

Alfie quickly sat down, opening his backpack to get out a pencil and some paper.

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