Chapter 11

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A month had passed and the restaurant was doing better than ever. The only problem was Jimmy and Kassie's wedding, which is exactly one month from now.

"Jimmy our wedding is in one month and we don't even have a venue yet! Cause god forbid you wanna book the venue you wanted 'too close in advance'! Like what does that even mean! My own mother is in denial about this whole situation!"

Trev lifted his head up from the glass he was cleaning. "Wait your mom is in that river in Egypt? Is she okay?"

Both Jimmy and Kassie turned their head to him

"How did you pass high school again?" Jimmy asked. "But in all seriousness Kassie if push comes to shove we can just have it here."

She scoffed. "I'm not having our wedding in this damn restaurant."

"You know my sister owns a really nice winery about 2 hours away from her. She wouldn't mind closing the place for your guy's wedding." Trev said.

"She'd do that for us?" Kassies questioned.

"Oh yea. She loves weddings. She'll be more than happy to."

Jimmy and Kassie looked at each other and smiled.

Quickly after that they got to the finishing touches of planning. Kassie picked up her wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses, the two of them looked that the cake they picked out, Jimmy bought his tuxedo, and they even drove to the wedding venue to help give Trev's sister an idea of what they wanted it to look like. Everything couldn't have been going better.

Until it didn't.

It was later at night, around 7:30 pm when Kassie's sister, Khloe called.

"Please don't be mad at me. But I might have said something to mom that really pissed her off."

Kassie sat up from the couch. "What exactly did you tell her Khloe."

"Well let's start this off by saying, I know you're pregnant Kass. It became real clear to me when you didn't drink literally your favorite wine when you went dress shopping."

Kassie jumped in. "Khloe I-"

"No Kassie I'm not done. Me and our parents were having dinner right. And I actually said 'isn't it so funny how Kassie is gonna be pregnant for her wedding'. Yea lets just say they're pissed and on there way as we speak. I am so sorry Kassie please don't kick me out of being a bridesmaid."

Kassie froze until she heard a knock on the door. "Khloe."

"Yea Kass?"

"Im so going to fucking kill you." And with that Kassie hung up.

Jimmy walked out of the kitchen and started heading down to answer the door.

Kassie was so afraid to tell him not to open it or exactly what was going on.

Jimmy opened the door to find Kassies mom. "Oh hey Mrs-"

"Not right now." She said as she stormed in.

Jimmy glared at her. "Not right now." He mocked and closed the door.

Kassies gulped as she came face to face with her mother.

"I have never been more disappointed in my life Kassandra. Not only did you disobey me and your father, but you lied to us. I can't believe what this...this boy has turned you into. I hope you're sorry and I hope you find a man who's good for you." Kassie's mom headed for the door looking Jimmy up and down and huffed.

"I don't want you at the wedding." Kassie mumbled.

Her mom turned back around. "Speak up for god sack I can't hear you mumbling."

"I said, I don't want you at my wedding, mom." She got louder.

Her mom huffed. "Don't be silly Kassandra."

" I mean it mom. I don't want you at the wedding, I don't want you in any of my kids life, hell I don't even want you in mine." She stared at her mom.

"Fine. If that is what you want so be it." She headed for the door and stopped before leaving. "Have a fun, sad, and depressing life in what you call a restaurant." And with that she left. For good.

Jimmy looked at Kassie. He walked over to her and hugged her. She started to sob. Jimmy started to sob as well shortly after.

And just like that her own parents weren't coming to the wedding.

She'd have no father to walk her down the isle.

Her kids won't know there grandparents.

While everything was planned and set, there was still many issues to solve...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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