Chapter Eight

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Kassie walked inside with Jimmy storming in after her. He slammed the door shut behind him and stared at Kassie.

"So when we're you going to fucking tell me?!" He argued at her.

Kassie eyes widened at his tone. "Jimmy I-"

"No Kassie. Cause this is is really big fucking thing. And you weren't going to tell me for who knows how long! You just threw it in the trash like it was nothing! Are you kidding me?! I literally asked you if you were pregnant and you said no! You fucking lied to me!"

"Jimmy please I didn't tell you because I was scared. You know how my parents will react when they hear about this." She was on the verge on crying. She hated how her parents still controlled her even when she moved out. But she still loved them from time to time.

Jimmy looked at her with disbelief. He couldn't believe what she just said. "So this is what this whole thing is about? Trying to please your parents?! Damn it Kassie if I would have known that was the fucking reason I wouldn't have asked you to marry me!"

He got angrier with her. "If you want to please your parents so damn back then give me my fucking ring back! We don't have to get married! Shit we don't even have to have kids if that will make then happy! Because that's all you care about and that's all you'll ever care about! You knows if you even ever cared about us!" He shouted at her.

She was speechless. Is that how he really thought about her? She couldn't believe it. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she thought more about what he just said. She ran off into the bedroom before more tears had rolled down her cheeks. She didn't say another word to him. She could no matter how hard she want to.

Once Kassie ran off to the bedroom and slammed the door, Jimmy plopped down into a kitchen chair. His hand rubbed his forehead as he could feel a headache coming on. Guilt rose in his chest as he heard Kassie crying.

"What have I done..." he mumbled to himself.


An hour had passed since the two of them fought. Jimmy had made a margarita pizza which is Kassie's favorite. He cut off a slice and put it on a palate. He walked up to the bedroom door and sighed.

Jimmy lightly knocked on the door. "Hey look I'm really sorry. I didn't mean what I said earlier can I uh- can I come in?"


He sighed once again. "I'm coming in."

He slowly opened the door. He looked at Kassie. She was laying on her side on the bed will staring at the wall in front of her. Jimmy set the plate of food down on a table and sat down on the opposite side of the bed. He slowly lead his body so he was resting on the head bored.

Jimmy looked at the wall in front of him. "I'm really sorry Kassie. I truly didn't mean what I said. I know that's not know you see our relationship....And I completely understand if you want to end things. I'm a dick and you deserve better than someone who you'd yell at you for something that you can't control..."

Kassie rolled over and looked at him. Jimmy looked down at her. She moved closer to him and laid on his chest.

"I'm sorry to. I should have told you instead of panicking.." she quietly said.

Jimmy wrapped his arm over her and rested his chin on her head.

"I love you." Kassie said.

Jimmy smiled. "I love you too."

The two of them stayed cuddled up like that for about 30 minutes until Jimmy spoke up.

"We should probably go eat something. I made pizza it's probably cold by now but we can microwave it." He said.

And with that the two of them got out of the bed. Jimmy looked into Kassies eyes. They were still puffy from crying. Kassie came closer to him. Her hands ran threw his hair pulling Jimmy closer. He had leaned in and gave her a small kiss. It felt like there first kiss all over again. Once they pulled out of the kiss they both put there foreheads together and smiled.

After that the two of them walked into the kitchen and reheated there food.

"You know I think we would have dated in high school." Jimmy said and took another bite.

Kassie scoffed. "Really? What sports did you play?"

"I played football."

"Oh yeah. I would have stayed far away from you. No offense."

"None taken. But why? What did you do?"

She looked at him. "I played clarinet in marching band and bass clarinet in concert band. I was also drum major my junior to senior year. And I was in the school musical my sophomore year. It was footloose."

"I kinda expected you played an instrument. Cause it seems like anyone who likes art knows how to play and instrument or sing. It's kinda scary."

She laughed.

Once they finished eating the two of them cuddled on the couch and to watch a movie. Jimmy had put on Winnie the Pooh since he knew it was a childhood favorite of Kassie's.

"Fun fact I had a Winnie the Pooh themed bedroom when I was a kid." See said with her eyes still fixated on the movie.


"Yep. I had every single stuffed animal except for that owl. I hated it with a burning passion."

He laughed. "Is your room still themed like that?"

"Sadly no. I had changed it to Alice in wonderland when I was 15. But it's still cool. You should see it one day."

The movie kept playing. A couple minutes later Kassie had fallen sound asleep and Jimmy did shortly after her. The two of them had fallen fast asleep on the couch the rest of the night.

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