Chapter Two

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A couple of years have pasted, both Jimmy and Kassie are now 21 and are on their last year of college. They both have been dating since they went on their first date. Kassie would stay at Jimmy's dorm room and sometimes stay the night or they would go out to eat. Nothing to serious or physical yet though.

Jimmy got up from his nap. He walked over to his dresser to pick out nice clothes. Tonight he had another date with Kassie. But this time was different. Since Kassie had turned 21 last month and he had turned 21 about six months ago, they both could legally drink. So, they both had decided to go to a new bar that opened up downtown.

Jimmy had picked out a button down dark blue top and a pair of tan jeans. He went into the bathroom, combed out his hair and sprayed on some cologne. He slipped on his 'not so crappy' tennis shoes and headed out the door. Jimmy waited outside for one of Kassie's friend to pick him up. About five minutes later a car pulled up and someone got out.

"Hey!" Kassie said as she walked toward Jimmy.

"Hi! You look great." Jimmy said

Kassie had her hair in two somewhat messy buns and was wearing a short black dress with low top boots.

"Thanks!" Kassie said with excitement, "ready to go then?"

"Yeah I'm ready"

They both walked to the car and got in.

"Charlotte this is Jimmy, Jimmy this is Charlotte" Kassie said

They both nodded at each other.

Charlotte looked back at them, "Now put your seat belts on. And I swear to god if the both of you are drunk when I pick you up and refuse to put on a seat belt, I will buckle you in like a toddler."

Both Kassie and Jimmy nodded at her and Charlotte started to drive to the bar. Once they arrived at the bar they both got out and walked in. They sat down at some stools near the back and they both ordered a couple shots of vodka. About four shots each in Kassie gets up,

"I gotta go pee. You stay here" Kassie looked at him

"Don't worry I won't go anywhere. I promise." Jimmy assured her.

"Good" said Kassie as she walked to the bathroom.

Jimmy looked around the bar. He saw a lot of group of friends, and few couples. He looked at a corner of the bar,

'Are those kids?...'  Jimmy rubbed his eyes, 'Oh, shit there just stools. Fuck I'm I that drunk already? I should probably stop drinking...'

Kassie came back from the bathroom and sat down next to Jimmy.

"Do you want to go for another round of shots?" Kassie asked.

"Uh yeah sure. Why not" Jimmy said and smiled.

"Are you sure? Cause we don't have to you don't want to" Kassie said

"No, no it's fine don't worry. I'm up for a couple more shots." He said

After a lot more shots the both of them were completely wasted. Luckily Kassie was somewhat sober enough to call Charlotte so she could drop them off at home. The both of them got into her car and Charlotte started driving. They finally arrived at Jimmy's dorm and Jimmy got out. Kassie stumbled out of the car and walked up to Jimmy.

"You forgot to say goodbye." Kassie slurred.

Jimmy turned around, "Oops." He said.

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