Part 2 (Tawog)

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So anyways we started walking towards the city called elmore
The wind blowing in my hair and face  (sorry if you have no hair )

Felt good!

The younger kids look excited as well

After what seemed like forever we arrived at a school called Elmore Junior High.

With a bunch of students heading inside quickly saying bye to their parents or just walked in because they got there themselves.

"Over there!" Minty said

Most of the group looked over to where the fox was pointing,

It was just some random blue cat kid

And a goldfish with legs?

How odd

"Hey little boy!" Cookie said while running over to the pair of friends


"Could you please come with us it's really super important"

The two started wipering to each other,

( "Dude stranger danger we got to tell someone we trust!" The fish said. )

( "I know let's go tell Anais!" )

("But what do we tell her?" )

("Let's just make up some random excuse")

"Sorry Ms.Wolf we have to go to class before we get detention!" The orange fish said with a obviously fake smile,

"I'll give you ten bucks if you come with us" Minty said

"Deal!" The cat said without hesitation!

The fish looked a bit concerned but quickly shrugged it off seeing that his bro was happy.

Anyways after a bit of walking back you finally got to the house and Minty quickly shoved the two inside

Then they both freaked out and ran away

I mean-

I wouldn't blame that for doing that if I were in their shoes I would do that to!

Nebula: Shouldn't we follow them?

Minty: They'll come back eventually I'll just tell Dr.Mouse that we are ready to go.

Well that didn't take very long to do.


Sorry for the short chapters guys I'll try to do it more often if I can it's just that I always have something to do or are just resting.

Anyways for short in-between chapters I'm going to do scramble words
Type of stuff like

The first few words will be scrambled and will be the names of Characters (usually 2 or 3 maybe just one person once and awhile )

And they will talk about random stuff about themselves

Anyways, Peace out! ✌️


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