Framtida - Part 1

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"Where did you find this one? I thought his kind was lost." Framtida asked turning back to Raven. Tristan shifted nervously as he glanced at Simon. Raven opened her mouth to speak pausing when she realized she wasn't exactly sure. Near a river in the forest was all she could say for certain.

"Raven? Could you do me a favor? Give us a moment?" Simon asked as she glanced at him frowning.

"In a minute. My time is short." Framtida growled at him as Tristan whined. She paused to smile down at him.

"You have done well; I am proud of you. Your journey does not end here, you must continue forward. Behind the statue of the warrior is a pathway. Follow it until you reach a dark chamber. The pools have shown me you have two friends eager to meet you. They will join you on this quest. These will be the first of many friends along your journey. Do not be afraid to fight when you must." Framtida panted as Raven nodded quickly.

"I will continue to look after her. I promise auntie." Tristan told her standing confidently beside Raven. Framtida smiled nodding.

"I know you will do me proud. I am afraid, I will not see you again in this life, Raven child. Though there is a possibility I will see Tristan again if he manages to break the spell that binds him." Framtida told them. Raven glanced down at Tristan surprised as he merely shrugged.

"Why did you ask me to meet you here?" Raven asked softly as Framtida paused. She let out a small smile before reaching through the glass to pet her cheek.

"It was so I may see you one last time before my passing. I have lived far too long, and it is time I return to earth I was born from. I will not be around to see how this plays out, but I will always be with you child." Framtida muttered as she pulled her arm back into the glass.

"Now go. Your friends are in danger." Framtida grunted as she waved at the door.

"Farewell auntie. May you find peace." Tristan told her with the bow of his head. Raven bowed her head in echo before they headed for the door.

"Aren't you coming?" Raven asked.

"I will catch up." Simon told her keeping his eyes on the glass. Raven nodded leaving the temple to find the statue Framtida mentioned.

"Do you think they know each other?" Tristan asked as he followed her over the bridge. Raven shrugged unsure glancing around.

"I don't know if they know each other, but I get the vibe they know of each other." Raven told him almost pouting. She knew Simon was holding secrets from her. Not that it bothered her too much. Everyone had secrets. But his seemed to be connected to the demon and made her worry. Framtida had once told her that the demon was the key for the true evil. What if by taking Simon to the demon unlocked the true evil she wanted to avoid?

"Well, he can't be too bad if Framtida knows him. Otherwise, she would have warned us, right? In a way I am slightly relieved now that Framtida has met him." Tristan told her with a sigh as he bounced around.

"Hey, do you think they were lovers once? The way Framtida barked at Simon for asking for alone time. That and they are both ancient." Tristan huffed thoughtfully as he paused to scratch behind his ear.

Raven tripped over her feet blushing hard. Lovers?! Raven picked herself up dusting off her clothes to calm herself. Simon had been twenty when he was frozen away, out of sync with the rest of the world.

He had probably had many girls interested in him as well as a few lovers. It's not like Simon was unattractive and every once in a while, he had a sweet personality. Raven blinked at the two big eyes watched her.

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