Chapter fifteen

Beginne am Anfang

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook asked again while going closer to him. He panicked internally.

No go away ! My heart will explode

Jungkook only stopped on his tracks when they're chest were an inch to touch each other, Taehyung gulped.

"N-nothing... I w-was"

Why the fuck are you stuttering?

"You were?" Jungkook even leaned to reach his face and look at him in the eyes, that brat loved to tease him.

Taehyung was desperately searching for an escape or else he will faint at how his legs were getting weak right now.

Please an escape, anything...

"Oh my god i have a photoshoot today i'll be late" he exclaimed before rushing to the bathroom and locked the door, leaving a dumbfounded Jungkook smiling like an idiot there


"Good job V, they are all incredible !"

Taehyung smiled and bowed at the crowd who animated his photoshoot. He felt his legs heavy but the satisfaction seeing the photos he took today exposed in the screen made him less tired.

He felt jubbly despite his frustration in the morning. That's why he's so fond of being a model, it makes him feel joyfully alive.

You have your own way to show the world who you are, and for Taehyung, modeling makes the world know who he is. Well, just a part of himself.

Him passionate, confident, sure of himself, his beauty, his uniqueness, everything that qualifies him made the world know him. He feels like he's not the one to show, it's the world who's getting to know him.

Because the world don't know his worst sides.

He wandered his eyes in the whole room looking for the person he longed to see for a while. Once he spotted the darkhaired male with all black outfit looking fondly at him, a wide smile decorated his face. He literaly rushed toward him, couldn't wait to be in his arms.

"I missed you" he exclaimed when the older wrapped his arms around him securely, Taehyung found his smell serene, his touch so warm and familiar. He felt safe.

"I missed you too Tae" the other replied, his eyes forming into a crescent as he stared foundly at the younger and stroked his fluffy hair softly. Taehyung melted into the touch, the same that comforted him years ago when he was scared to be alone in the dark.

"You really didn't have to pick me here you know, i know where you live, plus i have the keys remember?" Taehyung giggled, the older finding it contagious.

"Bet you literaly prayed for me to come silly"

Oh he knew Taehyung so well. He still does.

"Plus i promised you i'll pick you here, it's my way after work and like that we have a lot of time left for us"

"Oh so you had work today?"

"No, but i had to go to my office to fix something. You have finished right?"

"Yeah i'll get changed and we can go, wait for me here"

Yoongi shacked his head and chuckled looking at Taehyung running accross the room heading to the backstage.

He's still so full of energy.

He hoped internally his little Tae will stay like this forever. Happy and full of life. He really felt bad at seeing how sad Taehyung was lately, but now that's he's back, he will make sure Taehyung will always have a reason to smile because no one can hurt him, as long as he's there to protect him.

Breathtaking // TaekookWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt