Chapter 6: Crash landing

Start from the beginning

Alberu who was quietly watching was suddenly curious definitely not because he was interested.

"No I'm not." Cale said nonchalantly and they continued playing.

However Alberu was feeling a strange feeling- relief? Satisfaction? Assurance?' The heck what am I even doing. I'm not for these things. '

Was his last thought before he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him and he blanked out.
The clink of heels could be heard in the corridor near the general room .

'Hmm? This is quieter than I expected? Did the kids leave  ?'

Tasha who just got back from a business was feeling something was out of place when she heard no noise in the corridor.

'Maybe they are all asleep...'

She entered the hall it was unusually quiet before she stumbled upon a bottle causing her to almost lose her balance.

'This... This is.. Alcohol !!?'

She switched on  the lights with hurry. What she saw was unexpected.

Litana , Rosalyn , Valentino , Glenn , Harol , Choi Han were laying on the ground with alcohol bottles all over the table . Choi Han's hand was resting on Glenn's face with a red mark. She couldn't find Alberu.

"Kids... Rosalyn, Litana you all ...wake up."She nudged everyone and sprinkled water on their faces.

Arghh ... They woke up with a grumble. Rosalyn and Valentino were the first to get up.

"What the hell? You guys stink of alcohol? Just how much did you drink."Tasha mocked with a dramatic tone.

"She's definitely fed up. It's your fault."

"Shut it! You were the one who started this."They whispered to each other.

"And where's Alberu? "

"He must be laying here only...". WHERE IS HE? AND WHERE IS CALE? Rosalyn internally screamed. She didn't want previous year's incident to repeat again afterall.

Slowly but carefully they could see two figures rising from behind the coach.

"Hah? Wh- what are you two doing??" Tasha stuttered. She couldn't wrap the scenery in front of her.

Alberu and Cale were standing next to each other with Alberu grabbing Cale's arm helping him to stand properly for the redhead was stumbling, both looked drunk but more surprisingly two top buttons of Alberu's shirt were missing and Cale was flushed from his cheeks to neck . Their hairs messy and clothes wrinkled.

"C-Cale-nim  the children are still sleeping d- don't worry!"Choi Han asked his face bright red.

'Fuck what did I get myself into?' Alberu thought.

Previous night-

After doing a couple more round of the game they all felt themselves getting high and wasted.

"Hic.... Before we sleep . I have a proposition. Let's dance and end this gathering at a good note." Rosalyn said.

With no one being in their right mind they just started doing random wierd dance steps. Everyone form a couple.

Litana and Glenn, Rosalyn and Valentino...." Choi Han.... You shouldn't dance I guess." Everyone in the room said.

'The last time he danced he incidentally stepped on his partners shoe and the poor lad was crying hard after the party. '

Oh ok... He replied with a sad tone and tucked himself in the corner.

With that said, a realisation just stuck Alberu and Cale....' Wouldn't that make us a couple since no one is left??'

Left with no choice afcourse they had to . It wasn't long before everyone passed out . Cale for the first time could feel himself losing his balance only to fall on top of Alberu.

Swoosh- they went on the low bed behind couch and fell asleep just like that .

Alberu could hear her voice. His aunt's and he wasn't sure how to get out of this embarassing situation. She will tease him to death. He found a sleeping Cale beside him , his head out on his chest and his locks resting on his beautiful face. He could smell the other. The scent of musky perfume laced with alcohol made it to his nose.

Carefully unwrapping the other's hand around his torso he planned to escape right from there but this seemed to awaken the other. Cale was blinking his eyes fast observing the situation before he could make a noise Alberu covered his mouth.

Mmph... He glared at the blonde, his eyes asking what he was doing.

"Hah I'm sure you know the position we are in anyone who will see us is likely to misinterpret the situation so just quietly stay here and come out when I signal. "Alberu whispered in Cale's ear.

Back to present-

This led them to the current predicament.

Tasha could find herself supporting  her nephew and the redhead at this point.

'This is going to be fun.' She thought.

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