Chapter 2: The Arrival

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"Young master-nim we have arrived". The driver curtly informed before stopping the car in front of the University.

"Ok, Then I will take my leave...."He said and started walking towards the University.

'They said they already shifted all my stuff into the dorms so I can just go to the classes hmm....'

The Western University- The University with the best educational facilities and the place of concentration of nobles each assigned to a different faction depending on their territory.

An ideal place for younger generations to make connections with the powerful business families for a secure and good future. The Roan , the Jungle, the Whipper, the Empire and the Caro kingdom are the factions formed.
Each faction consists of their Territory's several sub factions also.

The Roan- Northeast, Northwest, South, and Central faction as such. The Henituse household comes off as a neutral under the Roan Territory with their current representative being Zed Crossman of the Crossman Company.

The dorms are divided into four buildings based on the factions or money spent by the nobles, the higher pays getting the best facilities. Guess the hierarchy system applies here also .

'Haa... This is so complicated.... I won't join any faction to avoid this trouble ' the redhead preparing an escape plan thought.

'Cale Henituse!! Where is that guy? I'm waiting for atleast half an hour. But that bastard isn't showing up'... A certain blonde thought obviously pissed from such a waste of time, near the University hall.

One hour ago;

"Alberu , there is a student who will join the University today. I want you to guide him just for today before he gets accomodated." Sherrit-nim , the principal asked the blonde.

"I understand, principal-nim but can I ask who is this person to get such preferential treatment?" He asked curiously.

"Hmm.... He is the firstborn of the Henituse household, Cale Henituse. You must have heard from the rumours.... About his reputation as a trash. So I hope in your presence there won't be any ruckus. " She replied.

"I see.... Then I will take my leave principal-nim " Alberu curtly said and left to do his task.

'Cale Henituse, the notorious trash of the Henituse household.... A drunkard and neglected son of Count Deruth Henituse. Stepped out of the heir position two years ago.'

'Haah... Why do only I encounter such troublesome bastards ' he grumbled. 'Anyways it's just for a day' he assured himself.

'Wow, I must say the University is quite huge.... but how the hell will I find my class in this puzzle . I'm running late , let's enter first.... '
Cale thought.

'Argh ... That bastard ... I'm not going to wait anymore for him'... Alberu thought before turning back furiously to leave.

Swoosh ...., Bump!

"Agh! Can't you see your way? Or are you blind to bump into me in daylight".... Alberu frustrated enough voiced his true feelings unaware of the surroundings.

'.... Why isn't there any response? ' As Alberu thought that , he looked around only to meet with the bastard he was waiting for.

Light blue eyes landed and then stopped to meet brown ones. Vibrant red locks tied in a half bun, the rest reaching the shoulders, damp with sweat probably because of running. The black jacket Making its way till the slim waist worn upon a white sleeveless turtleneck paired with black fitted jeans and white sneakers.

The sight before the blonde was truly worth to swoon for.... 'Shit ! What am I thinking' Alberu thought before activating his infamous glib tongue.

"Ho.. it's the young master Henituse. I finally get to see you. You don't know how grateful we are for your contribution to the business of marbles. I believe young master Cale is a very carefree person..... I'm sure it wasn't meant to compliment a trash who comes late on the very first day" Alberu said with his signature princely smile .

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