Chapter 3: The Beastman

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Cale who was already dumfounded by the sudden revelation of the Crown Prince being his neighbour started contemplating about his slacker life.

'Well , it's possible. Since father did say he would arrange for the best room available. Still just how much money he spent for my room to be beside the Crown Prince's and to have this much luxury ' Cale thought before looking at the apartment.

Small , shiny golden strands delicately integrated into the curtains forming a beautiful phoenix pattern.

A family portrait fitted in a golden frame . The exquisite marbles making their way to the grand kitchen with the latest equipments available. A splendor bathroom as big as a room.

'Haa.... Today was sure hectic . I should rest to gain my lost energy . How will I go tomorrow though.... ?' thought the redhead with half lidded sleepy eyes before finally giving in to temptation.
Alberu who was indeed very much doing the Council's work late-night was barely hanging on with the 6th Cup of coffee and few snacks.

When suddenly he could smell and see little puffs of smoke coming from the hall .

He walked to the hall only to find that the smoke was coming from the next door.

'Did the apartment caught fire!?... He didn't die right..surely not . I don't want a ghost living beside my apartment afterall' the blonde thought frantically.

He knocked the door.... No response. Unexpectedly the door was open.... Sneaking in Alberu rushed to see if there was a fire only to be surprised to see the sight in front of him. Smoke everywhere.

Cale who was cooking early in the morning before leaving for college found that unfortunately the exhaust was broken so he opened the door and windows to let the smoke out. He wasn't as good of a chef as Beacrox but did know how to make dishes for himself. He fried the pork quickly and made kimbap. However a lot of smoke was produced in the process .

As he was coughing and waving his hand to scatter the smoke. He saw a figure in the hall .

'Gasp... Shit! Did someone break into my apartment? What should I do ? '

Cale who was now nervous not knowing who the other person was, picked up a frying pan as the figure was coming near .


"Ahh... What are you doing?" The other person hissed.

"Shouldn't that be my line? Who are you ? What are you doing in my ..... Alberu sunbae-nim !? " Cale asked .

"Agh yes it's me my dear hoobae . I never knew Young Master Cale was so fierce to welcome the Crown Prince like this . Hmm... " Alberu said putting on his sly smile obvious calming his heart from the sudden attack he dodged just by an inch.

"Ahh... I apologise sunbae-nim. I thought someone broke into the dorm . Also, you are still flawless as ever ". The redhead teased scanning Alberu who was still in his Nightwear in rush.

'Tch.. this bastard! And I was worrying about him' the blonde thought.

Grumble.... Alberu who was hungry and hadn't eaten home made food in like years after his mom's death could only feel starved at the sight of juicy and crispy pork ready to serve at the pallet.

Cale who was observing him could only think

' Oh... I guess he was indeed worried. He also came to check on me . Hah ...' Cale thought.

" Sunbae-nim you can eat here if you want for today ", Cale said.

Alberu who was hesitant still couldn't refuse at the sight of delicious food and accepted the offer.

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