"...well, I wouldn't want you to go anywhere on your own." The man said, squatting down to their height. "I've got good people down there, though some have their flaws."

(Name) writes down in the notebook once more.

My name is (Name), what's yours?

The man looked at the notebook, more closely than the first time. Their handwriting was a bit scribbled on there, but it was readable. "Mine is Rick Grimes." He said, smiling. The man named Rick held out a hand, (Name) hesitated for a second, but took it.

"Do you need somewhere to stay?" Rick asked.

(Name) looked around before looking back at him, but nodded. They were both relieved, but also a bit septic about the man's offer. But, something about him seemed safe. Rick and (Name) make their way deeper into the piece of property. (Name) didn't know what to really expect what was to come out from joining this group.


"Rick, where the hell were you?!" A man called out to Rick, (Name) looked at who it was, a man with a shaved head, he was stomping his way up to Rick and (Name), he just noticed the child. "Who is that?"

"This is (Name), they have been alone for the past few days. I asked if they wanted to come with us and they accepted the offer." Rick explained, "(Name), this is Shane."

(Name) looked at Shane, the man was strange to them and looked mad at something. "We seriously taking in another person, a kid as a matter of fact?!" Shane said, he had his teeth gritted.

"Shane, we haven't taken anyone in since we left Atlanta, besides, they wouldn't have made it much longer if they were still out there." Rick said, looking at Shane with stern eyes. "You weren't the one who found them, so they're not your responsibility or have to worry about them."

(Name) looked up at Rick with admiration, no one had ever defended them like that before. Shane rolled his eyes and stomped off, (Name) knew to avoid him at that point forward.

"Don't worry about him, that's just Shane being Shane." Rick assured (Name), he then starts to change the subject, "Mind if I introduce you to the others?"

(Name) nodded, Rick still holding them by their hand and leading them up to the farmhouse. The two walked up the stairs to the front porch and Rick went for the doorknob and opened the door, and let (Name) go in first.

"Anyone here?" Rick called out, some voices called out to him, telling him that they were coming. (Name) starts to back behind Rick, overwhelmed with the amount of people that might be coming down. "Hey, it's okay... we'll take this slow."

(Name) nodded, at least two people had come down and into the living room area, it was an Asian man and white woman with short brown hair and green eyes. They asked what was going on, Rick stepped aside slightly, revealing (Name).

The two look at each other before looking back at Rick. "Who's this?" The woman asked.

"This is (Name)." Rick said. The two got up and walked over to them carefully. "(Name), these are friends of mine, I'll let them take the floor."

"Hey there, kiddo." The Asian man walked over and knelt down, waving at them. "My name is Glenn.. the woman behind me is Maggie."

The woman waved at (Name), who shyly waved back. "You need anything to drink or eat, hon?" She asked, gently.

A nod comes from (Name), they start to bring out their same notebook from earlier, Glenn and Maggie look at Rick in confusion. "Hey, kid." Glenn called out to (Name), who looked at him, "Can you...talk?"

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𒊹︎ the walking deadWhere stories live. Discover now