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family reunion

(skipping to after terminus)

It was a while after Tyreese, Carol, (Name), and Judith left the grove. They had found out where the rest of the group is, a sanctuary, Ternminus. Carol had gone inside to go get the others, leaving Judith, Tyreese, and (Name) behind, Tyreese guarded a man named Martin, who was one of the members.

When Tyreese had his guard down, the man put his arms around Judith. (Name) was a quick thinker, attacking him from behind, and stabbing him the back with their hidden pocketknife. (Name) had grabbed Judith and started to cradle the baby girl. Judith had calmed down a bit, but was still shooken up, Tyreese had come in from the house, he had killed the walkers from outside. He looked at the floor, where Martin was. Lots of questions came from him, asking if they're okay, if Martin did anything. The questions were answered with nods or shaking their head.

"..hey, we should probably wait outside for Carol." Tyreese said, (Name) nodded. "I-I think you took him out."

I heard you and Carol talking about you not being ready to kill people. I get it, but I can do it for you if you can't.

"You don't gotta do that, kiddo." Tyreese assured, he looked at Judith, "Want me to carry her?"

(Name) shook their head.

You're fine, if I'm being honest, I'm kinda overprotective and clingy of her.

"That's fine, (Name)." Tyreese assured, he put his hand on the door knob and twisted, "Let's wait for Carol, being inside this house is way too much for me.."

The door opened, the trio had exited the house, footsteps coming up the hill at the same time. A surprise happened, Carol came back with the group. Rick and Carl dropped their bags and rushed over to (Name), who was holding Judith. The kid was about to give Judith to him, but they were engulfed into a hug by Carl.

"I thought I lost you, (Name)." Carl said, still hugging them. Tears came out of their eyes, as they used their free arm to embrace Carl as well. "Thank you."

(Name) looked at Rick, the man had knelt down to their height. "Thank you, Carl and I couldn't thank you enough for protecting Judith." Rick also embraced (Name), hugging them. (Name) smiled at Rick, carefully handing Judith to him.

She's all yours.

(Name) then looked over and met gazes with someone else, Daryl. They ran full speed towards him, he had knelt down, and held his arms out.

They had wrapped their arms around him, started to cry. Daryl had put their head in his neck, his cold act had been wiped off. "Got ya." Daryl said, rubbing the child's back, which made them feel more safe. (Name) saw strangers looking at them and Daryl, tapping on him, they pointed at the four new people.

One was a muscular redhead with one heck of a mustache, another man next to him had a brown mullet, there was a woman with black hair, she had slightly darker skin, and another woman with dark brown hair. (Name) waved at the group of new people, they all looked at the child with an unsure look, but wave to them anyways.

"..what's their name?" The man with the mullet asks.


"Ah, nice name." The man with the mullet says, "My name is Eugene, uh, that's Abraham and Rosita."

(Name) nodded, waving at them once again, the child goes back to looking at Daryl. He goes back to holding the child close to him, it's been a while since they've been together. "You've been okay, kiddo?" Daryl asked, (Name) nodded with a smile. (Name) signed out a question for him, how did he get out of the of the prison?

Daryl looked at the child with sad eyes before explaining what had happened, he was with Beth for a while, until he saw her get shoved into car. He had been looking for her for so long, he wanted to find her, badly.

I'll help you.

Daryl thanked them with his gruffy tone. (Name) nodded with another smile, after catching up with Daryl, (Name)  headed over to Glenn and Maggie. The two had knelt down to their height and embraced the child with double comfort.

How have you been, hon?" Maggie asked, (Name) put up a thumbs up, but suddenly, the child brought up Hershel, the woman's father, apologizing for what had happened to him, Maggie smiled sadly. "Good. Don't you worry about it, sweetheart."

"Hey, kid." Glenn said, as well smiling at (Name). "Been a while, you okay?"

Yeah, I just wish I didn't see some of the things I saw.

Glenn looked the child in pity, "Me too, kid." He had given them a tight embrace.

(Name) went back to Daryl, the man held out his arms and grabbed (Name). Rick said it was time to move and finally find a new home. The group went on, leaving the burning remains of Terminus, and going off the train tracks that led towards it.

Finally, (Name) felt safe again.

UPDATE: i made this longer

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