"Yeah and you deserve it man! This album is so fire man, I mean seriously. Okay now we've got to get into this, because as you listen to this masterpiece of an album, like mentioned before, the mood kind of transitions to uplifting. There's like a sense of hope—"

"Yes yes exactly"

"Like you suddenly found light at the end of the tunnel"

"Bro... you took the words right out of my mouth!" He belted a laugh clapping his hands at my seriousness "So um yeah after fulling healing, I gained the courage to open my heart up again and keep trying to find the love I know I deserve man"

"Wow man that's-thats really awesome. Actually Um by the sounds of it, it seems like you kind of found it" I was actually impressed at how he transitioned the conversation into my love life so smoothly l. Without noticing, I began to smile simply just thinking of her and wondering what she could be doing right now

"Wow guys Biebs is blushing over here!"

"Haa awe man"

"I'm sorry I have to ask you this because the clips from your release party last night, are literally everywhere and everyone is talking about it. Would you like to clear up anything about last night?"

"Um no not really I mean it was just as you saw. Some drunk jerks were being inappropriate to some girls so I just reacted the way any other real man would."

"Yeah well I actually have to agree with you on this one but there you have it folks. Now here's the question we are all just dying ti know the answer to" I tensed up a bit anxious to hear the question " Is there a special someone out there that seemed to be your source of inspiration for the more uplifting songs"

"Oh wow just uh straightforward like that huh?" I laughed along with everyone else in the one. I mean I actually preferred interviewers to just ask there questions straight up rather than hinting at things but damn was I caught off guard.

"I mean yeah" He laughed shrugging his shoulders in his defense

"Well yes someone out there was a great source of inspiration"

Gasps suddenly began to take place all around the room as if I just said I was pregnant. I mean seriously you would've thought Michael Jackson just walked in the way everyone seemed so shocked.

"Woah ladies and gentlemen are we hearing this correctly? Is it just me or is the number one bachelor, Justin Bieber, confirming the rumors"

"I don't know what rumors in which you speak of Zach" I chuckled at his theatrical reaction

"Are you currently seeing someone?" My closed lips parted ways, prepared to answer until I began to sense literally everyone on my team, burning a whole in the side of my face. In this moment, I knew I had to make a decision that would have a consequence either way

I'll gladly take a scolding from the label over my love giving me the silent treatment any day

"Yes I am"

• Arabella •

"What the hell is this video I've been seeing?"

"I mean it's exactly what it seems, He just helped me out because some guys were bugging Justine and I"

"How so? B, do I need to get one of my jets and fly out there to whoop someone's ass?" Jackson swears he can beat someone's ass—actually he can. How could I forget that he's a black belt after making me polish all of his trophies two weeks ago.

"No Jack he handled it, those jerks were escorted out and he even had security walk Justine to her car."

"Okay that's good, I guess he isn't so bad after all. How's LA going? When are you coming back?"

"Um I don't know I think tomorrow, my money is running out so I actually do need to get back quickly to find a job"

"You know I got you if you need anything"

"Yeah but—"

"I know I know you're independent and blah blah but I'm just reminding you."

"Period! Haha it's great out here though. I almost forgot how beautiful the sunsets are here in LA" I smiled softly laying my head gently on the window admiring the view as palm trees would pass after one another

"Hm seems like someone is missing their roots"

"Ha no way man, Maryland is my home now"

"And don't forget it!" He chuckled "So what are you up to now?"

"I'm uh....I'm actually on the way to see the people that birthed me into this world"

"Wait you're gonna meet your parents? Shit how long has it been?"

"Yeah it's been about four years now since we've last spoken, I believe."

"Wow, did they find out you were back in town or something?"

"Unfortunately, my father somehow heard that I was back home. He sent me a lengthy message practically begging me to stop by the house to talk. Pray for me, only God knows how this could go"

"Yeah no of course, I mean I can't believe he hit you up and I can't believe you're actually going to see them. This goes to show just how much you've grown. Years ago, you wouldn't even refer to him as your father"

"Yeah..." I replied lowly as I tapped my leg rapidly "I honestly don't know why I'm doing this. Who knows, maybe after all these years I could finally get some answers"

"Gosh, I hope so. If you need anything just hit me up, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'm pulling up so I'll hit you later?"

"Yeah yeah, make sure you keep your head up the entire time Bella. No matter what is said, you're not the same person you were back then"

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