chapter 2

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"Can you not see that guy is a fucking walking red flag?" I try to calm Mayven's aggressive hand gestures while she walks slightly ahead of me, turning back occasionally with extremely expressive facials each time.

"He tells you to go away in front of his stupid little bitches and doesn't care when you aren't in the same classes as him, smokes in your face when he knows you hate it, and just kisses you without permission?"

I purse my lips. "When you put it that way, he does seem like a huge red fla-"

"WHO'S FUCKING A RED FLAG?" I swing my arm around in alarm at the sudden shout, conveniently right into Amir's gut.

"FUUCK-" I immediately clamp both my hands over his mouth, whilst his knees bend dramatically and we flop onto the grass together; right under the trunk of a huge tree on the campus.

My back hits the uneven roots of the tree popping out of the soil, and I grunt in pain as Amir still dramatically clutches his stomach, rolling around on the ground.

As I'm gasping in pain, I face Amir and study him. "You did not just ask if someone was fucking a red flag?"

He just smiles and nods.

Mayven plops herself right next to me, pulling a peach from a ziplock bag and aggressively crunching on it, the individual juice flecks flying everywhere.

Amir suddenly sits up, bending over my lying figure to examine Mayven. "Damn woman, what did the peach do to you? Calm your tits."

"I don't have tits and you know that; this girl is flatter than the jokes you tell." She replies and points to herself with a mouthful of peach.

I'm leaning against the trunk of the tree, frowning at her. "You do have boobs, stop being dramatic."

Amir looks between us. "You guys show each other your boobs? Damn, can I-"

We both whack him on the head at the same time, and I just know the ring on my thumb made it ten times more painful.

Me and Mayven both look at each other and start laughing at Amir's pained expression, looking like a child as he rubs his head whilst mockingly glaring at us.

Mayven suddenly sits upright. "Oh right; Amir, guess who we bumped into this morning. Or should I say, Evita bumped into, quite literally."

My brain was still trying to comprehend where she was going with this.

When Amir didn't reply, Mayven bites another part of her peach, then says:

"Kyson Vance, Amir, Kyson Vance. This girl didn't even know who he was."

Amir's mouth flew open.

They sure are really dramatic, it's not like he's a celebrity or-


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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