join me techno..

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Tommy's pov:

I walked out of skeppy's front door that I broke. I saw techno smoking leaning against a telephone pole.

(Idk if techno smokes but he does in this story)

"Hey the blade I like your dead animal skull thingy on your head. Is awesome" I said as he looked down at me.

"What do you want Tommy?" He said looking back at the children running all over the park then hitting a puff off of his cigarette.

"So uhm, I want you to join my plan and I get my hands on an orphanage so you commit arson to it in return." I said nervously

"Deal what do I have to do?" Techno said looking back down at me.

"Kill skeppy.."

"Excuse me? What?? He just got out of the hospital! Are you crazy??" Techno said yelling at me

"Techno he owes me a lot of stuff." I said shoving my hands into my pockets.

"grrr.. fine.. but you have to take the blame for his death is they find out I am just a innocent fish in all this okay?" Techno says pulling his hand out.

"Deal" I said and shook his hand.

Sorry this chapter was short lmao more chapter to come :3

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