Chapter 4

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A loud, piercing sound screamed through the night. In the center of the town, amidst the crumbling buildings, a green horizontal line appeared in the air. As the line widened into a huge oval opening, the sound grew in intensity shattering some nearby buildings. Slowly wisps of green light begun to emerge from the opening, eventually gathering a short distance into the city. As the opening snapped shut and the sound faded, forms begun to appear within the lights revealing a little over one hundred people armed and wary, with a ruined silent city as the only spectators.

Most stood tall, with dark skin that seemed to soak in what little moonlight there was. The eyes varied in color while their green armor seemed like leaves or scales intricately intertwined. Among them, one person differed. At an average height, his muscular slim, dark body was lathered in sweat. Strangely he wore no armor, his only clothing being a dark green pants. Light seemed to radiate around his dark skin and over his heart a light could be seen fading, from what seemed to be the top of a diamond. As he fingered a mark in the middle of his right hand, his green eyes layered with streaks of black took in his surroundings.

Turning to the man near him, he spoke in a deep, quiet voice, "How long? How long have we been in there and are we too late?" As the other man turned towards him, still gasping for breath, a woman with golden eyes and markings like the sun's rays on her face stepped out and spoke, "I'm sorry friend. The journey took too long. It could be because the gateway here was destroyed, but it's most likely because of the energy released at our origin point."

"I didn't ask why. I asked how long!", the young man snapped. Taking a deep breath, he looked around at the rest of the people who had arrived and the ruined city that surrounded them. "I'm sorry Shara. I shouldn't have shouted. I just can't believe we arrived too late to save Athras and it's all my fault." Turning to another of the men he spoke, "Lead the way friend."

The man he spoke to, took a deep breath and clasped his hands together. As he slowly breathed in, vapors of mist rose from the ground and begun to circle him. They spun faster and faster, until a blur of light was all that could be seen and a deep voice was then heard saying, "At the palace, you shall find all your answers. But beware for this place is not yet cleansed.." With that the mists slowed and begun to enter the ground, leaving a faint purple sheen in the man's eyes. As he breathed slowly and stared around as if amazed, Shara stepped forward reaching for his forehead. "Lorcan, are you OK? That's never happened before and what's that mark on your head?"

In the center of his forehead, stood a purple mark in the shape of an eye. Before Shara could touch it, he grabbed her hand. Staring at her, he spoke as if in awe, "I saw so much. I feel and understand so much more and I am prepared Shara." Raising his hand to take in the rest of the group, he gestured in the direction of a street and begun to walk there saying, "Follow me. The castle is this way."

As the young, unarmored man passed Shara, he stopped and looked at her. "That was... something new and the voice, it seemed so familiar. Whatever happened, with the energies he tapped into, keep an eye on him Shara." As she nodded, he smiled and turned to follow Lorcan. "He's our last pathfinder and I'm burning to finally get some damn answers, especially what happened to Amara and her StormCloud friend, so on we go."

Staring at him, as he walked away and with sadness in her eyes, Shara spoke quietly, "Yes Auron my friend, on we go to the end and the beginning. For the day I saw has finally come." With a deep sigh she begun to follow. As the group of men and women moved further into the ruined city, a pair of red eyes glared at them from the corner of a building and with a slow growl they begun to move towards the party.

A complete silence had fallen over the group as they followed Lorcan, who strode ahead boldly. Some people had their weapons out and were walking slowly, their eyes hard and their fingers moving rapidly. Looking over the remnants of their party, Shara stared at men who would normally be chanting in such situations and women who would have laughter in their eyes even as they run into battle. These last few had been through so much leading up to this point, losing so many at those damn ruined gates. Yet they had chosen to continue onwards and had arrived battle worn, but harder than ever before at a city seeming fit for naught but ghosts. She felt sad for her people, so she begun to do the one thing they had all once done together in and outside of battles. She begun to hum an old melody. Her silvery, light voice begun to carry over the group, till it was slowly picked up by the other women. Then the men begun to add their voices to the melody and as the sound spread throughout the city, the mists begun to swirl and glow.

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