Chapter 2

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 "Why, why are they doing this?" A deep breath rattled from the man's lungs. Tear's streamed from his eyes as a shadow stooped infront of him.

"Did you hear that?"

"....Who are you. Your's so different from the one who's helping me. It's so smooth"

A light laughter sounded in the air. "Did you hear that earlier?"

Squinting at the figure who was clad in white, the old man frowned? "Earlier..?. The young man, he was always talking. Then...just now...silence. Who are you!? All White...Cravon!"

Touching the old man's face, the man smiled. "Yes, now you know who stands before you.To different people I am different things, but I like to think I am peace and for some freedom. Now, I shall free you, as I did your young associate. Free you from the pains of your old age and all you've lost." As he removed his hands, a white glow covered the old man and he begun to change. In a deep silence his body contorted and grew, till in his place stood a strange creature. With a human looking face, dark brown skin and quill like fur, it looked to be the size of a small bear.

Stepping back, Cravon smiled at the creature before him. "A slight variation...will have to work out the kinks soon. However, Go! Join the others and enjoy the hunt." As the creature loped off, Cranson turned to another one which stood near a broken wall. Dusting off his jacket, he walked towards the creature and leapt smoothly unto its back.

As the pair moved forward, they passed crumbling buildings and few soldiers. Coming to a marred design on the ground, Cravon grinned as blue and green energy beams shot into the air.

Focusing his red streaked eyes on the opening, he watched as a blue orb of energy begun to swirl sending other streams of energy away from it. These streams then coalesced into a rectangular form, from which stepped a man dressed in a dark armor so fine it seemed like a second skin.

His dark skin and shoulder length hair seemed to soak up the light. The constantly changing colours on his breastplate were in contrast to intense eyes, with a completely blue iris and golden pupils set in a handsome face. When he spoke, his throaty voice was filled with power and authority. "Cravon, what is so important that you had to see me now?"

Smiling and dusting off his clothes, Cravon spoke "You've got to show me how you do that some day.... Well, uh, A short while ago I sensed a change. A change along the lines of what I'm capable of." Getting no response, Cravon continued on, still smiling "And as you know, not only is it rare for someone to have a power like mine, but for it to be used, especially now, means that whoever is involved there may be important. If they're similar to me, then our, your plans can go through quicker!" The two men continued to stare at each other till Cravon shuddered and turned his eyes to the direction in which he had sensed the power. From what he could tell, they were just a few blocks away from whatever was occurring. This close to one of the city gates, it could have been someone or people trying to escape when something must have happened. "Why are they still fighting? How dare they, after all I said!? I will rule my city!" A scream suddenly pierced the air, causing Cravon to gnash his teeth in anticipation.

Finally with a hint of amusement in his voice, the tall man said, "Lead on." The creature set off at a gallop while behind Cravon felt his allies' power silently lift him into the air. Their brand of magic was so unique, yet he had no doubt he'd figure it out someday. Block after block was clear of people and silent, till Cravon suddenly rounded a corner and smelled another brand of magic in the air. Jumping off his beast, he landed beside his ally who was already a few steps ahead.

Both men calmly took in the sight arrayed before them. Fresh blood run in the street, where three soldiers were fallen on the ground. Two were dead, with a sword through the heart & no visible marks on the other, while the third a short distance away had one of the creature's spikes through his eye. One of the creatures was chewing on this soldier's right arm, while he amazingly seemed to still be trying to push the creature away.

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