Dr Burke quickly jumped 'But Dr Grey you're not on this case.'

'No but I am Chief so your chief will be seeing you in the O.R. as I will be assisting Dr Shepherd. That's okay with you Dr Shepherd isn't it?'

I scratched my head ' I  promised Dr Stevens she could be in the O.R.'

'I'm sorry you want Stevens in the O.R. over me ?' She glared at me.

But then Burke butted in once again. 'She looks as though she has more experience than you.'

'I'm sorry Burke do you have something to say to me because it seems as though you have a problem with me.' Grey replied clearly annoyed.

Before Burke could say anything else I raised my hand at Burke 'No problem Chief Grey see you in the O.R.'

I left her office when she ushered me and Burke out. We both looked at each other a little gob smacked as we were just put in our places. I mean quite rightly so she is the chief but it's like taking order from a child. She's 24 for gods sake.

I went walking down to the nurses station and saw the over eager blonde resident coming towards me she was nearly skipping.

'Dr Shepherd I think there has been a mistake on the O.R board as my name has been scrubbed off.'

I let out a breathe 'Nope no mistake Stevens sorry you will not be assisting me today in the surgery I went to speak to the Chief and she decided to replace you with herself.'

'But Dr Shepherd it's a once in a lifetime surgery.'

'I know Stevens , observe from the gallery.' I began walking away from her to the outside coffee cart.


'If you have an issue take it up with Grey though that won't go down well Stevens'

Truth be told I didn't feel bad telling her she was off the case she stands way to close to me in the O.R. It was a slight relief. And I was sort of looking forward to having Grey in the O.R next to me. But now I needed coffee that was my only thought right now. The best coffee is the one outside at the cart. It was then when I heard a familiar voice behind me I turned around handing my money over for my drink.

'Shep' the man spoke I began laughing when I looked past him to see a group of med students quivering behind him.

'Mark how did you get lumbered with all the med students you don't even teach the interns. So which one have you got on drink duty then?' He returned my answer with a glare before a young man came up 'Dr Sloan I have your cappuccino you asked for.' Mark then took the drink and sipped it then spiting it out 'Are you trying to poison me what have you done to this ? Never mind go grab me a pickle sandwich from that Italian shop that just opened a few blocks away.'

'Sloan why haven't you assigned them to a resident for the day?'

'Well I went to the chiefs office and noticed he wasn't there this young doe eyed girl was she must have been lost so I came to find you. You're the new chief right?'

'Sloan let me interrupt you right there, now I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as you have been off for the last 2 weeks but well you know I was after Chief but Richard didn't give me the job.'

'What? You can't be serious.'

'Serious. Anyway he gave it to a new Dr that being Dr Grey.'

'I thought you and Burke were on race for chief let's go find this guy called Grey see what's the deal'

I then looked at Mark and he immediately could tell what the look on my face meant.

'Oh god what Shep?'

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