The last time you saw him, he had you in a chokehold, and Mikasa was the only one able to stop him, simply by coming into the room. There is no doubt that even in the afterlife, he still holds a grudge, only able to get back by coming through you. How you got looped into the middle of it? You still wonder. As his pale-green eyes pierce your mind, you uncomfortably shift in your seat, accidentally earning attention.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" Lux carefully approaches you, minding the bumps from the uneven path. Sighing, you rub your head which begins to throb, a frequent occurrence when a spirit or demon overtakes your thoughts, wasting your energy. "Its nothing..." You mutter, shutting your eyes in hope of some relief in tension. Not believing you, the older woman looks at you sternly, your mind too busy to notice her glare. "Who is it?" She asks with a gentler tone than her face was showing, a bit concerned for your distressed state. Peeling your eyes open again, your brows furrow when your surroundings are not how you remember. Instead of seeing trees, you see the port that was constructed on your island.

Why am I seeing this?

In the distance, a large boat is docked with something in front of it. However, its covered in a large cloth, concealing it. Then, an uncomfortably familiar sensation presses against your temple. "Not again..." You mutter, pinching your eyes shut in frustration. Confused, your aunt exchanges a glance with Conny at the back of the cart, who shuffles forward. "Is it another vision?" The boy asks, nearing you both. Once the cool metal leaves your (color) skin, Bertholdt's presence returns, taking your energy. Groaning in pain by the headache its causing, Conny looks up at Lux again. "This has happened before... A few years ago when we found the sea, she had a vision. She sort of... acts strange during them." He explains to the woman in front of him.

"Y/n, you should lay down, and rest." Lux carefully pulls your wrist, hand falling from the side of your head. "But it hurts... I can't even think straight." You mumble with foggy, almost sickly, eyes. "Lay down, it'll be over soon." She guides you to the floor of the cart where you finally lay down, staring at the golden sky as the sun begins to set. All is calm for a single moment before Bertholdt makes a comeback, making your head feel like its being squished. "You'll pay for this destruction." He growls darkly. The headache is far worse than before, making any sort of relaxation a living hell.

"I can't... I can't...!" You whisper, rolling onto your left/right side, eyes shutting out the world. With your knees to your chest and an arm over your eyes, you try your best to distract yourself but the male continues his taunting. "Listen to me, island devil!" He shouts, making you flinch. "Stop..." Your voice is tired, hardly audible to Conny or Lux. "You deserve to suffer and rot for all of this!" You want to fight him off but his demonic spirit is thirsting on your energy, stealing it all away.

"B-Bertholdt... go... away...!" You groan out of desperation, curling into a tight ball to shrink yourself. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do besides succumb to his overriding force, dominating over you. The mention of his name catches Conny off guard, not expecting it at all. "Bertholdt...?" The boy mumbles, eyes trailing up from your weak form to meet Lux's (color) irises. "That there was not a vision, a spirit must be visiting her." Lux replies, understanding a bit of your situation from what she does know about it.

Overhearing the conversation, Reiner stares at your cart, heart pounding in his chest. You would have noticed this but the visit ultimately claimed your consciousness, drifting into a deep sleep. Had you known sooner that being around Annie and Reiner would strengthen Bertholdt's presence, you would have tried to avoid getting too close to them from the beginning.
A gentle nudge to your shoulder alerts your unconscious, dreamless mind. Your brain does not seem to recognize the real, physical touch, mistaking it for being made up in your subconscious. When the nudge becomes a shake, your eyes pop open, vision blurry as they adjust to the dark surroundings of the real world. "Y/n?" A voice asks, being followed by another shake to your shoulder. "H... Hm?" You quietly hum, stiffly looking over your shoulder to see Lux kneeled behind you. "We're here. Your Commander is here, too." She mentions, sitting back. Carefully nodding, you push yourself up off the cart's floorboards, scanning the area.

Walking Among Spirits (Levi x Reader) [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now