[ Chapter 12 ]

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Content Warnings:

•Mentions of Death
•Season 4 Spoilers
•Strong Language



The morning after the Commander of the Survey Corps offered you a position in his regiment, you immediately had to tell Katsumi the good news. She always knew about your longing to join the Military but neither of you expected it to actually come true. The second you woke up, you jumped out of bed to get dressed to head over to her house. Your dog, (dog's name), sat up from the end of your bed and yawned as she/he watched you scramble around your bedroom in anticipation, things flying in the air as you threw your clothes on.

"I'll be back soon, (dog's name)!" You kissed the dog on the top of her/his head, running out of your room afterward. The dog simply wagged her/his tail before resting her/his head back on the bed, falling asleep again. You zipped down the hallway and towards the staircase, almost tumbling down the flight of stairs as you hurried along to get out the door. "Geez, Y/n, shut up!" You heard Quincy groan from his bedroom. You ignored the older boy as you jumped over the last step and swung the front door open, running out onto the street.

Headed towards Katsumi's house, which was only a few streets away, you dodged early shoppers headed to the market, apologizing on your rampant journey. "Excuse me!" You announced a few times, hopping over small crates and ducking below large freight that people hauled. "Sorry!" You shouted after almost knocking someone over. You could only laugh at the situation, purely running off excitement because you were having a good day.

As soon as you made it to her house, you knocked twice before entering. The family was already used to your constant presence at their home when you had free time so they eventually started leaving the door unlocked for you every morning. "Good morning, everyone!" You waved to Mrs. Akimoto in the kitchen, along with Miyuki. The older woman chuckled at your sudden entrance, not at all surprised by it. "Good morning, Y/n. Katsumi is upstairs doing her hair." The woman hummed, stirring a cup of tea in her hands. "Thanks!" You smiled and waved before you rushed up the steps, and burst through her door.

"Holy hell, Y/n! Didn't expect you so abruptly!" The ravenette chuckled, a bit startled as she looked at you through her vanity mirror. "Yeah, oops." You snorted and closed the door behind you, then, realized how out of breath you were. "What's up?" She questioned as she ran a comb through her short hair. "I have some news." You grinned, sitting yourself on her bed, behind her. "News?" She immediately turned around on her chair, eyes full of curiosity. "Is it a boy?! Or Tristan?! Or... or-" She rambled before you cut her off. "None of the above! Remember what I always wanted to do?" You were containing your excited jitters to not spoil the surprise. "Shove Quincy down a flight of stairs?" The younger female lifted a brow. "Well, true but not that one!" You laughed and shook your head. "Hmm... oh! The Military!" She suddenly gasped, eyes even wider. Nodding your head vigorously, she was beginning to put the puzzle together. "The Commander visited yesterday to offer me a position in the Scouts, so I'm going!" You officially announced. "No!" Katsumi gasped and fumbled out of her seat to grasp your shoulders. She couldn't believe it at first.

"Yep!" You nodded once more in confirmation, cheeks sore from smiling so wide. "Y/n, you're going to be a Scout?! For real?!" Her excitement was becoming much more evident than your own. "I am! I'll be a legit soldier!" You exclaimed. "No way! Oh my Walls-" Katsumi let go of your shoulders to slam her window open. "My best friend's going to be a Scout!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, not giving a damn if it was too early for all the commotion. Before anyone could complain outside, she pulled the window shut and pressed her back against it as she looked at you in bewilderment. Chuckling to yourself over her excitement, she quickly grabbed your wrist, and led you downstairs to share the news with everyone else. "Y/n's going to join the Survery Corps!"
The evening before your departure, Katsumi came over one last time for your official send-off. Neither of you knew when you would be able to see each other again but you were already preparing for it to be a really long time. You didn't know what you would do without seeing her everyday, as you had already been doing so for the last decade. In sickness and in health, you both always made an effort to visit, no matter what the circumstances were.

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