Guess you don't know, that you're beautiful

Try on every dress that you own

You were fine in my eyes a half hour ago

And if your mirror won't make it any clearer

I'll be the one to let you know

Out of all the girls 

You're my one and only girl

Ain't nobody in the world tonight

All of the stars

You make them shine like they were ours

Ain't nobody in the world but you and I 

You and I

Ain't nobody in the world but you

You stop the room when we walk in

The spotlight's on, everybody's staring

Tell all of these boys they're wasting their time

Stop standing in line, 'cause you're all mine

And this evening I won't let the feeling die

I never wanna leave your side

Out of all the girls

You're my one and only girl

Ain't nobody in the world tonight

All of the stars

You make them shine like they were ours

Ain't nobody in the world but you and I

You and I

Ain't nobody in the world

You keep wondering if you're what I'm wanting

You don't even have to try

Oh, you don't have to try

Don't try, don't try

You don't have to try

Oh, out of all the girls

You're my one and only girl

Ain't nobody in the world tonight

All of the stars

They don't shine brighter than you are

Ain't nobody in the world but you and I

You and I 

You and I

Nobody in the world tonight

Ain't nobody in the world but you and I"

Not for a second did he break that eye contact with her. The girl he sang every lyric for. He could see the tears swimming in her eyes. 
Amid the applause, he felt impulsive enough to speak to her. He would do it. He couldn't believe this was how cliché he was being but he didn't care. The Jaipur audience would witness his declaration of love. 

He drew a breath and readied himself to bare it all, but before he could utter a word Chetna ducked down and disappeared among the crowd. 

He was taken aback. With some difficulty, he managed to spot her weaving her way between the crowd and walking towards the exit. He stood rooted to his spot for a minute before Angad realized and intervened with another cheerful note. 

Siddharth's feet were leaden as he walked to the right side. This was Chetna's answer. This was it.


Siddharth slammed his glass on the table after two consecutive drinks. 

His mouth tasted roughly how he felt at the moment. Bitter and slightly stinging.

They were all gathered in Yug's room at the moment. Everyone held glasses in their hands and wore similar expressions of concern and curiosity. 

Siddharth hadn't uttered a word since they had sat down in here. Everyone had managed to piece together what had happened at the concert after his song but nobody was willing to broach the subject. 

Not even Yug could bring himself to say anything. 

After Siddharth guzzled down a third drink and lit a cigarette did he finally speak.

"I know you're all dying to know."

They looked at him intently. 

"I did it. I did what you all told me to. I was honest with her. I told her exactly how I felt, my reservations and my hopes. I asked if she wanted to see me after the wedding. We have something meaningful and it is worth risking it all." 

He paused and took a long drag. 

"A bunch of shit happened in the middle. I was forced to relive the memories I have managed to repress. I had to endure my family and come to terms with my trauma. That was the common thread that bound us in the first place. Remember how I told you she is a lot like me in so many ways? I might have been wrong about that. After basically baring my soul to her she accused me of using her." 

There was an audible gasp from Meera. 

"Yes, that is exactly what she said. Maybe she meant it, maybe she didn't. She called me fickle too. You know why?" he went on. 

"Because I said I didn't have marriage on my list of things to accomplish. I cannot believe Chetna of all people would think of marriage as her ticket out of her problems. I respected her individuality and spirit. Never thought this would be our undoing." 

I asked her to evaluate her goals. Is marrying a man really the only way she sees herself getting out of that house and exploring herself?" 

Meera and Deepani got up from their place and engulfed him in a side hug on either side. 

"She left," he said softly after a long pause as if it had just sunk in. 

There was nothing anybody could offer him except for comfort, company and drinks. 

That was how he spent his last night in Jaipur. 


Siddharth boarded the plane to Delhi early the next morning with his friends and mother. 

Sleep-deprived, tired and hurt, he realized how different everything seemed. The first time he landed here he had no idea what this city had in store for him. 

He couldn't believe he had only spent a week here. It seemed way longer than just seven days. 

He smiled at the memory of Chetna sneaking around and accompanying him to pick up his friends. 

So much had changed. 

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