Chapter 16

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Jayda's POV

She groaned before showing me her outfit. I stared at her with a blank face. "Baby either your blind or you just have no taste because that" I told her as I searched my closet. Her cheeks flushed and she looked away.

"I do have taste." She mumbled. "What was that?" I asked. "Nothing." I heard her say. "Bingo." I said as I found an outfit. I put some lotion on, got dressed, and sprayed some perfume all while talking to billie.

"I'm on my way mama." I said as I got in the car. "okay, I gotta go put my shoes on, bye bubba." She said softly before hanging up. I smiled at the new pet name. She's such a softy. I made a few turns before I was pulling up to her house.

Billie's outfit.

Billie's outfit

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Jayda's outfit.

I saw billie walk out and shyly get in the car

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I saw billie walk out and shyly get in the car. She played with the end of her skirt as I admired her. "Baby you look hot as hell what the fuck." I said. She looked at me and smiled. "Thank you." She mumbled with flush cheeks.

"Jeez, I could fuck you right now." I saw her eyes widened as a shade of dark red covered her cheeks. "Ready to go?" I asked. She nodded. I grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her towards me. Her breath hitched.

"Words." I told her softly. "Y-Yes." She said nervously.


We made it to the party a bit late, but that's ok. I looked around for Raven as I held onto billie's hand. She was hugging my arm though. I could tell she was nervous about being here. I finally found raven and walked over to her.

"Holy shit billie Ian' know you could dress like that." Raven said. I saw billie blush and look down. "I know right, and to think she thought it was ugly." I said "Well I-I didn't say-." Raven cut her off. "Ugly? Naw bil that outfit is fire." Raven said.

Billie smiled before letting out a quiet thank you. "You look good too girl." I told her.

Raven's outfit.

Raven's outfit

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"Thank you." She smiled. "No problem, did you invite James?" I asked. "Uh yea he's somewhere around here." She said. Billie tugged on my shirt and I turned towards her. "Yes princess." I asked her.

"Can I get a drink?" She asked shyly. I chuckled. "Of course baby, come right back ok?" I told her. She nodded before disappearing into the crowd. Oh there's James. He walked over to us and I dapped him up.

"Dude your outfit is so basic, yet fire." He told me. "Thank you." I smiled. "Your not looking to bad yourself." I told him. He shrugged his shoulders waving me off. "This was something light." He said knowing damn well he put time and effort into that outfit.

James outfit.

Billie's POV

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Billie's POV

As I was looking for a drink someone bumped into me. "Oh sorry I didn't see you-" A girl said, but stopped once she took in my appearance. "Um it's ok." I said nervously as I stepped back a bit.

I was becoming uncomfortable. "Your so tiny, how come your here by yourself?" She asked. "Uh I-I uh I'm not." I said. "Why you so nervous?" She asked as she stepped towards me.  I can tell she was drunk. "I-I just want to get a drink." I mumbled as she backed me up into the fridge. 

"I'll get it for you." She offered. "N-No thanks." I said. "You look sexy with that outfit." She said. "My name's Kayla." She said. I just stayed quiet. She put her hands on my waist and I panicked. 

"I-I have a girlfriend!" I said out of fear. She looked down at me with a smirk. "I didn't ask that." She said lowly as he hands slid down to my ass. I pushed her away but she only moved a bit due to how weak I was. 

"P-Please just l-leave me alone." I said as tears formed in my eyes. She wrapped her hand around my throat and pushed me against the wall. I whimpered in pain. "I do what I want, and don't you ever put your hands on me." She said.

Tears streamed down my face as she ran her hand up my thigh. "P-Please stop." I said. She let me go and pulled away from me. "Hey, get the fuck away from her." I heard a familiar voice yell. I looked up and saw Jayda. 

The girl stepped back with her hands up. "Chill, we were just having some fun." Kayla said. "No your not having fun with my girlfriend, so back the fuck off." She said as she pushed her. The girl stumbled before falling into someone. 

"I'm so sorry about her, I've been looking for her everywhere." A boy said. Jay glared at him and the girl before coming over to me. "Are you alright?" She asked me. I nodded. She wiped my tears and I hugged her. 

"Did she hurt you? Touch you?" She asked. "S-She pushed me against the wall a-and then I-I felt her hand on the inside of my thigh and I-I told her to stop and she backed away." I said. "Imma kill her." She said. 

I grabbed her wrist. "Please stay with me." I told her. She sighed before pulling me into a hug. "Alright, what do you want to drink." I asked her. "w-water." I said as I held onto her arm. "I kinda need my other hand baby." She chuckled. 

"Oh." I said and let her go. I grabbed her shirt as she got me some water. She gave it to me and I drank it and threw the cup away. "Cmon lets go sit down." She said. I nodded. She grabbed my hand and held me close as we navigated through the people.

I saw Raven and James sitting on a couch and we walked over to them. Jayda sat down then pulled me to sit in her lap. I blushed and buried my face into the crook of her neck.

She smells really good.


A/n- Sorry for mistakes, stay safe. Love you.!

1104 words

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