Chapter 8

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Jayda's POV

Billie came back to her seat after the teacher told her everything was correct. She had put her head down before I could see her face. One thing about billie is no matter the circumstance, she'll always get her work done.

I find that unique about her. "Billie O'Connell to the main office for an early dismissal." The lady said over the intercom. Billie sat up and packed her things before leaving she stopped at the door.

She turned her head towards me and did a little wave before walking out completely. I smiled at the simple gesture. "Your whipped dude." I heard a random person say. "Who are you?" I asked. "My names James" He said as he held his hand out.

I shook his hand, "Jayda." I said giving him a small smile. "What did you say?" I asked him. "I said your whipped." He shrugged. "Well yea she's a sweet girl." I said. "I wouldn't know that because I don't talk to her." He said.

"Why?" I asked. "Don't know, when i first came here I made a friend named Sarah and she told me not to hang around her." He said as he leaned back in his chair. "We're not friends anymore though, she's a bitch, but I still never hung out with her." He said.

"Well you should get to know her." I said. "And have the whole school turn on me? No way, I'll pass." He said as he huffed. "Cmon dude, I'll make sure no one bothers you." I said. "Man Ight." He said.

The bell rung indicating it was time for 5th period. "See ya around James." I said. "See ya." He said as he ran out the door. I walked to my biology class and sat at my usual seat. Now with billie gone I realized I really have no friends.

"Hi." A girl said taking me out of my thoughts. "Um hi." I said. "This seat taken?" She asked a she pointed to billie's seat. "Yea, but she's not here so help yourself." I said. "Cool, thanks." she said as she sat down.

"I transferred here two days ago." She said. "How you liking it so far?" I asked her. "It's cool I guess although people keep telling me to stay away from someone named billie." She shrugged. "I'm not going to do that though, i wanna meet this billie person." She said.

I like her already. "Yea, she's really cool, when she comes back to school I'll introduce you two." I said with a smile. "Thanks, my names Raven." She said. "Jayda." I said. "I know, everyone's pretty much scared of you, don't see why though your the sweetest person I met so far." She said.

"Yea people in this school are assholes so I had to fight a couple of people." I said. She nodded in understanding. I got her instagram and we kept talking the whole class period. "You seem cool, we should hang out some time." I said.

"Yea of course, sometime next week?" She asked. "Yea." I said.


It was finally the end of the day and turns out I have a couple of classes with Raven and James. I was panicking right now though because billie wasn't answering her phone, so I called finneas. "Hey Jay wasup?" He said.

"Hey, is billie ok?" I asked nervously. "She seemed pretty upset when she came home, it's like she's not herself." He said. "C-Could you check on her for me?" I asked. "Why whats wrong?" he asked scared.

"Just do it finneas!" I yelled as I sped down to her house. "She's slee- Oh my- B-billie cmon bil wake up." He said. I quickly jump out of the car and opened the door. Do they really just leave that shit unlocked?

I rushed to her room ignoring maggie as she asks whats wrong. "S-She took pills." He said as he held his sister while crying. I quickly called the cops and explained what had happened. They said an ambulance was on the way.

"No billie you gotta stay with me." I said as I shook her violently. Her eyes opened a bit but they look like they were rolling back. Her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes began to close again. "No billie stay here with me." I told her while shaking her again.

"Finn bathroom, help me take her to the bathroom." I said frantically. Maggie was at the door crying while Patrick comforted her. I told finneas to hold billie as I stuffed my fingers down her throat.

She began to throw up and took a breath afterwards as she coughed while slumping down into finneas embrace. I could tell some of it was still in her system, but she got enough out for her to be awake. "Hey." I said softly as tears streamed down my face.

What's taking the ambulance so long. "Could you get a cold towel." I told finneas. He handed me billie as she coughed some more. "J-Jay?" She whispered. "It's me baby I'm here." I said softly as I stroked her hair.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She said as tears ran down her cheek. "No baby its ok, I'm here for you remember, you just gotta work with me, you gotta stay with me yea?" I told her. "Ok." She said quietly as her eyes began to close.

"No no." I said as I slapped her softly. Her eyes opened back up a bit. "It's to bright." She said. I'm going to assume she's talking about the light. Finneas came in with a cold towel and I put it on billie's forehead.

"Turn the lights off." I told finn. "What?" He said. "It's to bright for her." I said. He nodded and turned it off. We heard sirens and sighed in relief. I looked down to see billie's eyes closed. "No billie wake up." I said.

I checked her pulse and she didn't have one. "No billie please wake up! They're here see." I said as the paramedics barged in the room. I cried as they took her away and tried to revive her.



A/n- Sorry for mistakes, stay safe. Love you.! Here are the face claims for James and Raven.

Name: Raven SinclairAge: 17Sexuality: Bisexual "Woah she's hot"

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Name: Raven Sinclair
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bisexual
"Woah she's hot"

Name: James JohnsonAge: 17Sexuality: straight"Dude we both attracted to the same thing"

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Name: James Johnson
Age: 17
Sexuality: straight
"Dude we both attracted to the same thing"

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