Chapter 1

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Jayda's POV

Hi! My name is Jayda and today is my first day at a new high school. I got expelled from my other school because I beat a kid up. In all fairness though she deserved it. Anyways, we were going to move though, so it's not that big of a deal to me.

My brother and my sister on the other hand hated that we had to move. They miss all their friends and so do I, but we weren't really friends. More like associates. My brothers name is Jason and My sister name is Brooke. 

"Jayda do you have my perfume?" Brooke asked as she barged in my room. "Uh no, I gave it back to you yesterday." I said as I continued doing my hair. "Ok, thanks. You look cute." She smiled at me before leaving. 

Me and my sister have a great relationship,  and I'm so happy I could say that because not many people can. I came out to my family when I was 15. They were very accepting and loved me either way. 

A few days after I came out my sister did as well. I looked in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction. I grabbed my backpack and phone before heading out. I went to my sister room and knocked on her door. 

"Come in!" I heard her say. "Hey, ready to go?" I asked. "Yea, I'll be out in just a second." She said as she was putting her eyeliner on. "Alright, I'll be downstairs." I said. She nodded and I walked out of her room. 

I walked downstairs to see Jason eating. "Hey Jason." I said as I grabbed an apple. "Hey sis, ready for your first day?" He asked. "Yea of course." I smiled. "Did you get the accepting letter from that college you wanted to go to?" I asked. 

"Naw, it hasn't came yet." He said sadly. "Hey I'm sure you'll make it, don't sweat it." I said. he smiled at my little motivational speech. "Yea, thanks Jay." He said. I nodded and threw the apple core away. 

"Kay, I'm ready." I heard brooke say as she walked downstairs. "Ok lets go, see you Jason." I said as I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. We both go in the car and brooke immediately hooked her phone up to the aux cord.

"Dude this is my car, so I should get to play the music." I said. "Cmon, just this once." She said. "Fine." I mumbled. I'm a year older than her, so she's 16 and is in her junior year. We jammed all the way to our new school.

We stopped to get some Dunkin donuts though. We soon arrived at the school and I shut my car off. "Alright, get out bozo." I said as I hopped out. I heard her laugh before stepping out of the car. 

Billie's POV

Hi, I'm billie. The 'weirdo' of the school. I was talking to Drew and Zoe when everyone started whispering and pointing. I thought they were talking about me until I seen two girls. They look so pretty, but the one on the right is wow. 

"Billie hello?" Drew said as she waved her hand in front of my face. A light blush spread across my cheeks. "Oh uh sorry what?" I asked nervously as I scratched the back of my neck. "You were totally checking her out. 

"N-No I wasn't." I said. "Definitely was." Zoe said. "S-Shut up!" I whisper yelled. I looked at the girl and her eyes met mine. I looked down nervously. I looked up a bit to find her still looking at me with a small smile. 

I smiled and waved. She waved back and walked in the school. "She's pretty." I mumbled. "Yea, like really hot." Drew said. I hit her. "Stop." I said. "Lets get to class." I mumbled as I walked in the building. 

That's when the laughing and whispers started. I looked down as I sighed. This has been going on ever since freshman year. It's getting tiring. Someone stuck their foot out and made me trip. Everyone started laughing at me. 

I rubbed my knee since I hit it on the ground and looked around at the people laughing. A tear fell down my cheek. I quickly wiped it. "Fuck off!" The girl yelled from earlier. Zoe and Drew never really said anything when I was getting bullied.

They were already kind of getting judged for hanging with me. They all ran away and she looked at me. "P-please don't hurt me." I mumbled. "I won't." She said as she held her hand out for me to grab.

I looked at her then at her hand and smiled. "T-Thank you." I smiled a little. "No problem, your the girl that was staring at me earlier." She said with a chuckle. "Oh no I-I wasn't- I was just- I-." She cut me off.

"Woah calm down it's fine." She chuckled. "Um right sorry." I said shyly. "My name's Jayda, yours?" She asked. "Uh my name's Billie." I said nervously. "That's a cool name." She said with a small smile on her face. 

"They don't seem to think so." I said quietly as I pointed to all the scattering kids. "Fuck them." She said. I smiled and looked at her. "You look cute." She said. A light blush spread across my cheeks as I looked down.

"T-Thank you, so do you." I said shyly. "Do you think you could show me where '201' is?" She asked. "Oh uh yea, that's actually our homeroom, so uh follow me." I said shyly as I began walking.

"So billie, why did that dude trip you?" She asked. I looked down as I fiddled with my fingers. "Almost everyone here bullies me for something, so I-I really don't know." I said. "Why do they bully you?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows. 

"I don't know, I guess because I'm small, a nerd and very shy." I mumbled. "Well I think that's cute and they shouldn't bully you for something like that, they're just assholes, and if anyone touched you again come get me." She said.

"Y-You don't need to do that." I said. "I want to." She said. I smiled and we walked in the classroom together. "Ah billie, I see you met the new student." The teacher said. "Uh yea." I said quietly as I went to go sit in my seat all the way in the back of the class.

"Wanna tell us about yourself ms..." The teacher trailed off as he didn't know her name. "Jayda Williams." She said nonchalantly. "Ms. Williams." He said.



A/N- How we liking the first chapter so far? Sorry for mistakes, stay safe. Love you.!

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