Chapter 6

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Billie's POV

I can't believe she likes me. I thought the feelings wasn't mutual because like, why would she like someone like me. Right now we're sitting on her bed making out. Again. I'm straddling her lap as she holds on to my waist.

I moan into the kiss as I began to move my hips back and forth. "Slow down mama." She chuckled. "I can't your just so hot." I said. She chuckled. She gave me one more kiss before she gently pushed me off. 

"Where you going?" I asked. "Clingy baby." She chuckled. "I am not clingy." I pouted. "Sure your aren't." She said as she gave me peck on the lips. "I'm just going to the bathroom." She said. I nodded. 

I grabbed my phone. I was scrolling through instagram until I came across a post from Drew. It was a picture of her and Zoe hanging out at the arcade. "That's messed up." I mumbled to myself. 

I texted the groupchat and asked what about me. They were saying sorry and said they thought I was busy. They're lying. I quickly typed 'if you guys don't wanna be friends anymore just tell me.' I pressed send and I turned my phone off. 

I looked down and fiddled with my ring. "What's wrong?" Jay asked me. "Nothing." I mumbled. "Billie.." She trailed off as she sat by me. "I feel like my friends don't wanna be friends with me anymore and it makes no sense because I knew them since we were kids." I said while sniffling.

"Aw angel it's ok, I'm sure they still love you." She said. "I know I'm just- I'm really sensitive." I mumbled as I buried my face in the crook of her neck. "I know." She said. My phone vibrated and I grabbed it to see my mom calling me.

"Hello." I said. "Billie where are you?" She asked. "Momma I told you I was with Jayda." I said shyly. "Well next time remind me, ok?" She said. "Ok, I love you byee." I said in my baby voice before hanging up.

"You're so cute." She said. "Shut up." I mumbled as heat rose to my cheeks. "It's true though." She said as she stroked my hair. "Whatever." I mumbled. 

Jayda's POV

We sat in a comfortable silence as we watched some more of the office. "I'm home!" I heard Jason yell. "Ok!" I yelled back causing billie to jump. "Jeez you scared me." She said pouting a bit. 

"Aw angel I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I said as I gave her a kiss. "It's ok I forgive you." She said cutely. She's so adorable. So innocent. I love that about her. "We should probably go to sleep for school tomorrow." I said. 

"Yea, I am getting kind of tired." She said as she yawned. "Ok goodnight princess." I said as I kept stroking her hair. "Night Jayda." She whispered.

The Next Day

The bell just rung for lunch and I gathered my stuff to walk with billie. Our teacher separated us because we were talking to much. "Baby!" Billie said excitedly as we walked down the hall. "Hm." I hummed.

Everyone started to whisper and point at her. I saw her smile go away as she looked down. "Hey don't pay them any mind, what were you going to tell me?" I asked her. "Oh uh.. I was wondering if you wanted to come to this party with me." She mumbled. 

I can tell she's in a bad mood now. Poor baby. They literally pick on her because she's different. I found out she has Tourette syndrome. When she told me she had a tic attack while doing so. She told me that she tries to hide them so that's why I never knew. 

We walked into lunch and sat at our usual table. "Of course I'll go." I said. "Alright." She said as she looked down. She didn't eat her food, not even a bite. "Billie.." I said softly. "You gotta eat." I added on.

She looked me and her head jerked to the side a bit. "I-I know, I will." She mumbled. "I have to go to the bathroom." She mumbled before standing up.

Billie's POV

I lied to her. This is the first time I lied to her and I feel like shit. I walked in the bathroom and went to an empty stall. I grabbed my mini bag and opened the small pockett and took out my razor.


I rolled up my sleeves and slid the cold blade on my skin. I winced in pain a little as I watched the blood ooze out. I made another and another until I had about 5 fresh cuts on my arm. I quickly start to clean them up when I heard the bathroom door open.


I put the razor back where it was and zipped up my bag. I stepped out of the stall to see Sarah's friend Angela. "Fuck me." I whispered to myself. "Oh billie, how lovely to see you." She said with a smirk.

I then seen her other friend Ava come over along with Marissa. "W-What do you want." I mumbled quietly. "For you to kill yourself." Angela said. Marissa laughed while Ava had a surprised look. it kind of took me aback at what she said.

Yea they've been bullying me, but they've never said something like that. My eyes watered as I looked down. "I should?" I asked quietly with furrowed eyebrows. "Yea, the world is better off without you." Marissa said as they laughed. 

"The world is better off without me." I whispered to myself as tears ran down my cheeks. My head jerked to the side and I cried out in pain. That one hurt. "Look such a weirdo, I don't know what Jayda see's in you." Angela said laughing. 

"Guys don't you think you've gone to far, I don't think she deserves to d-." Ava started to say but got cut off. "Shut up Ava, she doesn't deserve to be here." Marissa said. My head jerked to the side again and I cursed under my breath.

"Aw look at the baby." Angela said. She grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me towards her roughly.

"Please d-don't hurt me."


A/n- Sorry for mistakes, stay safe. Love you.!

1042 words

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