Chapter 12

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Whoop Whoop! Omg I got another chapter up in like two days!!!! Omg I'm so awesome! And I hope you love it because I do!!!! I think it's super cute and good and interesting all at once!!! Comment your opinions and maybe I'll feel inspired enough to write some more really soon!!! Love you all and just keep reading on!!!

Lots of Love -Isa

I quickly realized that Ellington was still tightly wrapped around me and our legs were entwined so if I was going to get out of bed, I would have to wake him as well. I mean, he was coming with us so eventually he would have to get up, but 1. He took way less time getting ready then me and my mom did, and 2. He looked so cute when he slept the idea of waking up was really sad. Eventually I gave in though and kissed his cheek, rubbing my nose against his neck so he would at least wake up happy.

His eyes fluttered open and as he slowly realized what was happening, I trailed kiss up his neck over his jaw and toward his mouth. By the time my lips reached his he was fully awake and extremely happy if I do say so myself. So happy in fact that a couple seconds after are lips touched he flipped us over so he was on top of me.

After about 10 minutes of that I heard my mom calling my name and realized I was supposed to be packing my stuff and getting dressed for the long airplane ride back to our home of Los Angeles, California.

I pulled away from Ratliff much sooner than either of us had hoped and started packing. It wasn't until I had started to take my shirt off however, that I realized he had yet to leave the room. In fact, he was laying in my bunk staring straight at me.

I wasn't sure what to do, on one hand, he had obviously seen me naked before, and hence the baby I was carrying. But on the other hand, we had just yesterday admitted our true feelings for each other and it seemed a bit soon for me to strip in front of him, no matter how many years we had been best friends.

The decision was made for me however when Ellington turned his back on me after sensing the war that was going through my head. "You know," he said as I changed as quickly as I could. "I would never do anything you felt even slightly uncomfortable with. I told you that last night."

I sighed but I was smiling when I answered, "I know, but it seems silly to hide from you here when in about a day, you'll be in a doctor's office with me so we can see our baby for the first time. And if I can't be naked in front of you here, how in the world am I going to deal with you in the room while I give birth!" Then I quickly turned toward him, "I mean, if you want to be there, tomorrow or for the birth, you don't have to."

He smiled reaching blindly behind him for my hand, "Nothing could stop me from being there, even the sight of you naked. In fact, that might even sweeten the deal." He turned around for this part asking me if I was decent before he said, "Because if I haven't told you this lately Rydel, you are absolutely beautiful, mind and soul. Especially now since your carrying our baby." he rubbed my stomach then lifted my shirt and bent to kiss the tiny bump that was barely there.

"You know I was doing a little reading about what happens when you're pregnant," he says this like its normal. "And I found out that our baby is the size of a blueberry right now." To say I was shocked was an understatement.

"That's so amazing!" I said as I rubbed my stomach. I sitting next to Ratliff on my bunk now and I turned to face him. "Can you believe that we're going to be parents? I mean I know that we've talked about it, but until you said that, it didn't seem very real." I smiled at him, truly happy for the first time since any of this had happened, "What are we going to name it?"

He laughed then, a really happy laugh and I laughed with him. We had been worrying so much all this time that the idea of being happy about our situation seemed crazy. But in all reality, it wasn't a situation, we were having a baby, a real baby and that felt really good.

So that was how my mom found us about 5 minutes later, crying with laughter and joy as we thought about our child. She smiled at and told us we were leaving soon so we needed to hurry and finish getting our stuff together so we could say goodbye before my dad drove us to the airport. That part pulled me out of my happy bubble more quickly than you could say Riker.

I had forgotten all about the events of yesterday leading up to me and Ratliff's make out session. I had forgotten that I had told my favorite brother that he wouldn't be a part of my child's life. "Is he back yet?" I didn't even need to tell my mom who I meant, she knew and she nodded, confirming my fear.

Ratliff rubbed my back, "I'm going to go pack but don't go out there without me ok, I'm not leaving you alone again, ever." With that he left to pack his things and I sat with my mom, waiting.

"He came back last night, showed up at about midnight drunk and rambling on about how he had to see you. Your brothers, Rocky and Ross, they kept him away from you, blocking the door until he got too tired and passed out in the back. They fell asleep by your door. They really care about you and I think they're happy about the baby. I think Riker is too he's just too scared to admit it." She saw the anger on my face at that comment and moved on. "Anyway, he woke up about an hour before I came and woke you, kept apologizing to me and your dad but we weren't listening. Instead we just told him that your dad would talk to him when we left and that you would say goodbye to him if you wanted to, if you don't, he said he would stay in the back. It's up to you though sweetheart."

I sighed this was too much to take in at once, "He can be in the room if he would like, but I probably won't talk to him, I just want to see him, he's still Rike, you know?"

"Yeah sweets, I get it. I'll let him know, and you better tell Ellington as well. I'm afraid that if they don't know ahead of time, there might be an even bigger fight ahead of us." She sighed and got up, "I'll see you out there."

So I told Ell what was happening and we walked out, not holding hands as I had wished because I was afraid that would be too much. But side by side, yes. I hugged Ross and Ryland. Gave Rocky big kiss on the cheek then glanced in the corner where Riker was standing. He started to talk but I looked away and made my way to the door, on my way out, just to show my defiance, I grabbed Ellington's hand and pulled him out with me.

I got in the rental car and sat in the backseat with my head on Ratliff's shoulder, talking quietly with him as my dad drove. It was a short car ride and then I was on a plane, making my way back home to start the life that I had accidentally created for myself with my best friend, and our soon to be child.

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