Chapter 10

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Hello people of earth, it is I the worst fanfiction writer ever because I promised two chapters over winter break and now it’s almost march and I finally wrote the next chapter. I’m so sorry about all this but you know life flies when you’re watching too much Netflix and not getting enough sleep. I’m going to give you all a list of excuses I just simply forgot I was even writing this thing. I really hope that none of you hate me but  can’t promise another chapter for a couple more weeks at least because it’s my birthday weekend and it’s also that time of the semester when all my teachers decided to give me tests and projects within the span of 2 weeks. Anyway I really like this chapter and I hope you do too! Have fun and I promise I won’t forget about you all again!                              LOL (Lots of Love) -Isa

He stared in shock for a long while just looking at me. And I stared back not letting go of his gaze. Everyone else had left to be away from the intensity but I never backed down and I got to tell you it felt so good.

"Rydel..." he paused "you have to understand, I was trying to protect you to do what's best for you and my nephew."

"You weren't trying to protect me. You were angry at your best friend for not only sleeping with your sister but getting her knocked up. If you were trying to protect me and my baby you would have realized that we are going to need Ratliff, that this was is kid and he or she has a right to know their father. And not only that but I wanted him here, he's my best friend too and no matter what happens he's the only one that has given me any comfort since I found out. Except for mom of course." I paused to breath, "look Rike I know you thought you were doing what's best but I think you just made it a lot worse because now I'm mad at you and I have to wander around for who knows how long trying to find Ratliff."

"Del," Rocky was back now, "I can go find him. You’ve had a stressful day you should lie down Ross said he's there if you need anything and Riker maybe you should go... do... something?" The care in his eyes made me think that rocky would be the most help to me through this.

He was always so intense and when he set his mind to something there was no doubt he would get it done. "Thanks rocky I appreciate it. I am kind of tired I think I should probably sit down. I'll yell at Ross if I have a sudden craving for ice cream don't worry." I smiled for the first time in a while, then I turned to Riker and it disappeared immediately "I don't want to see you again until you can understand my point of view on this. You have to get that I'm going to make my own decisions here and theres nothing you can do to stop me. You’re not my dad Rike."

"We'll then Rydel I guess this is goodbye for a while because I don't think that's going to happen for quite some time I'm sorry but I'm just trying to look out for you." I knew he meant well but come on! Attacking ell and sending him away. We were in the middle of South America for god’s sake.

So I said, "Thank you rocky." Then I walked to my bunk crawled in and thought. I thought about how all this had come to be. I thought about what I was going to do from here on out. I only had one day to get through before I left to go to the doctor and as far as making the best of the situation went there wasn't much that I could I guess I would just have to wait. One of my least favorite things to do.

At some point during my never ending thought process I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up my dad was shaking me. We hadn't talked since the big announcement and I was anxious to hear what he had to say but out of the corner of my eye I could see Ross giving me a thumbs and up with a reassuring smile on his face. It made me feel better if only slightly. So I sighed and sat up ready to face my father for the first time since I told him he was going to be a grandfather. "Hi dad." I rubbed my stomach subconsciously, it was becoming a habit, almost like I was double checking that he/she was still in there. “I know that you’re probably really disappointed in me and I know I screwed up but please just don’t yell please me... I just really need you right now.” It had been a long time since id cried for my dad, this was slightly different then when I scraped my knee in the third grade, but it felt the same.

“Rydel, I could never yell at you, not for this. It is a little sooner than I expected, but you know I always wanted to be somebodies grandpa.” He smiled but there was a hint of sadness, “The only thing I really care about, is what you want. If you want to keep it or give it up for adoption, whatever it is, just know that your mother and I are behind you one hundred percent. Now I heard what you and Riker said to one another and I realize that you two shared a special bond none of your siblings could ever understand so the fact that this came from him is probably really upsetting to you. But he’ll come around, and until he does you still have the rest of us.”

At that precise moment I heard the bus door open and Ross being the dutiful brother he was went to make sure it wasn’t Riker back for another screaming match. But to his surprise and my happiness rocky walked in with a rather angry scared and sad looking Ratliff trailing behind him. My dad quickly gave me a hug kissed my forehead and left with Ross and rocky trailing. It was just me and Ratliff. And our kid I suppose, left to discuss our future.

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