Y/n- yes??

Sirzechs- you do know the 3 factions right.

Y/n- of course. Why do you ask?

Sirzechs- you know i was thinking. About having peace.

Y/n- for a devil like you? I think you are the wierd one? You know why?

Sirzechs- why??

Y/n- because devils and fallens are natural enemy. And you?? Ha!! You want peace. What is eating you??

Sirzechs- i may be a lucifer. But trust me i am not like the original one. The 4 maou also wants peace you know 

Y/n- well if you ask me about that.  All i can say is the peace that you always wanted is one of the best thing that you can propose..both of us know what is the out come if the war continues..

Sirzechs- yes. I know..

Y/n- and i know the forbidden secrets between heaven and hell.

Sirzechs- i guess great red  told ypu everything right.

Y/n- not all secrets..it's just a wild guest..

Sirzechs- i see..hey just 1 thing did you know about akeno's true herritage.

Y/n- of course i know. I can smell it also. Even koneko..i just keep ot for my self. In order to not hurt them. I lnow that both of them are hybrids.

Sirzechs- i see..you know that i envited the leader of the fallen angels and 1 of them is the father of akeno.

Y/n- i thought azazel was the only leader??

Sirzechs- though azazel was the true leader. But some of them was his general. Whenever azazel was absent. His generals will take over his place during his absence.

Y/n- i see..i think i know now..so what is your sister's training result.

Sirzechs- she was still struggling but she will learn in the near future.

Y/n- that is good.. re training from the basic is not easy you know..

Sirzechs- how about the others..

Y/n- well i dont generaly know about their abilities.. whatever their specilties are. One day or another they will become stronger may be they will surpass us. Specially the kiba and the red dragon..

Sirzechs- indeed.. i do saw something about special  to the red dragon.

Y/n- you saw it coming too??

Sirzechs- i do..

Y/n- that idiot is not just a pervert.

Sirzechs- hahaha!! That kid will be the strongest red dragon emperor in the future. He will surpass his predecessor.

Y/n- how many host that ddraig has been.

Sirzechs- plenty..but only a select few people has been recorded as the strongest host of ddraig has been made.

Y/n-oh enlighten me??

Sirzechs- the first strongest host of ddraig was belzard. He is the first strongest host of ddraig not only he is a human he defeated two of albions host and survive the juggernaut drive.

Y/n- juggernaut drive??

Sirzechs- it is the strongest power of the dragons..if the host has been succomb to an anger it will trigger the juggernaut drive that kind of power is temporarily release the full power of ddraig or albion.

Y/n- man that is powerful.

Sirzechs- indeed..but there is also a huge consequence for that power

Y/n- and what is the consequence??

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