~Gally~ Gally's Girl

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~Gally X Female Reader~

I woke up wrapped in Gally's arms and I smiled to myself. It's short-lived because I know when he wakes up he'll get dressed usher me out the back and pretend I didn't sleep here. That was what happened every day for the last three months. It started off with him consoling me over a bad dream and then it became a regular thing. I had tried to talk to him about our relationship but he always said that there was nothing to talk about.

I stared up at his sleeping features and felt butterflies fill my stomach. I hated this why was he so afraid to let everyone know, because I knew he cared about me whether he admitted it or not. I feel him stir "why are you still here shank?" Gally asks and I feel a pale blush paint my cheeks. "I don't know I was enjoying the view," I tell him trying to play off the hurt from his words. Gally pushes himself out of the bed taking his arms off me and I feel cold and empty. 

"Gally, I don't want to keep sneaking around," I tell him sitting up and he scoffs at my words "then don't stay here," he tells me and I bristle at his words. I stand and dress quickly not trying to be modest this time "fine," is all I say as a push passed him hitting his shoulder against mine. I head to the mess hall and take my breakfast will frustration evident all over me. "Damn (Y/n) who pissed you off so early?" Fry asks and I laugh "does it matter?" I say still not revealing Gally and I's secret nights. 

It was really early still the sun hadn't even fully risen and I saw the runners enter the mess hall along with Gally and some of his builders. Minho sits down in front of me with a cheeky smile. "Damn, (Y/n) you look fine this morning," Minho tells me flirting and usually I'd brush him off but today I thought it didn't matter Gally didn't care about me anyway. I look Minho up and down slowly "you look pretty good yourself," I say with a wink and I can feel Gally's eyes shoot up to look over at me. 

Minho seems taken back by my response but is only boldened leaning slightly over the table towards me. "Maybe I can show you how fine I really am baby," he says and I feel like laughing at the cheesiness but I'm enjoying the feeling of Gally being jealous. "Maybe one day I'll let you," I tell him leaning over slightly letting the neckline of my shirt fall slightly revealing slight cleavage. Minho's eyes glance down before meeting mine again, he seems to be speechless, not used to me actually flirting with him. 

When he leaves the mess hall for the maze I follow, but my arm is jerked and pulled away from view. "What the hell was that?!" Gally asks me glaring at me and I shrugged "you didn't seem to want a real relationship so I thought I'd give Minho a chance, and it seems he likes what he sees," I say looking back over towards the maze doors where Minho was about to run in. Gally glares over towards Minho before meeting my gaze "(Y/n) why do you have to be like this? Huh, I just don't want people to know and you make a big deal," he says causing me to laugh.

"Make a big deal about what?" I quiz "I thought there was nothing to talk about, no relationship, and if I didn't like sneaking around to stay with you at night I just shouldn't stay," I remind him before storming away from him towards our job as builders. 

Gally's POV

As I stare at her working, I can still feel my blood boil from watching Minho and her flirt. I hated it, I wanted to be the only one she flirted with. I knew what that meant I'd have to do but it would wreck my reputation in the glade, and I knew that the boys would give me major klunck for this. 

(Y/n)'s POV

When I sat down for dinner Gally sat right beside me, and he slung his arm around my shoulders. Eyes immediately turned towards us and I felt them all, "what are you doing?" I asked Gally he ate loudly before turning to me. "What you wanted making our relationship public," he tells me before taking another bite of food, I tried to fight off the blush from his words, yet the smile was evident on my face. 

I was Gally's Girl and now the whole glade knew it.

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