20. Fight Of Survival

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Bang! Bang! Bang!

The guns shot loudly as the bullets teared into the flesh of raging zombies. Near, there were zombies. There and everywhere, they were bringing their rotten selves to the men. 

"Shit!" Ollie loudly cursed, his gun only clicking as he tried to use it. "I ran out of bullets!"

Jason only laughed, smiling so cheerily, it disturbed the others. "Here!" He yelled, throwing him a stack of ammo from his pockets. "I've got us plenty."

"Hey, thanks," Ollie also smiled, catching it swiftly and beginning to load his gun. As it was set, he aimed it an incoming zombie and pulled the trigger, it's head exploding.

After that, it continued on.

A zombie dared come near. A shot in its head. And then another. And another. Over and over.

Before, Dean was fearful of his life. But now, he was no longer afraid.

He was angry.

As they kept coming, he kept gunning. A few came dangerously close, grabbing hold of his gun. Quickly, he kicked them in the gut with his hard boots, making them fall over behind. As they fell, he shot them.

Over and over.

All his rage rushed through his veins, blinding him with fury. His eyes were only seeing red as he continued to take down the ones who had done him bloody. The killers of his family and friends. The destroyers of his life.


Oh, how he could burn them all.

Just die, you bloody things, Dean thought angrily, his hand gripping his rifle tightly.

He began to kill. One for his mother. One for his father. One for Andrew. One for his friends. And a final one for himself. All shot with purpose.

But it didn't stop there.

"Fuck," Jason cursed, looking around with worry, an emotion they rarely got to see until then. "There's way to many."

And he was right.

In all their glory, many zombies came from streets and from out of buildings. With their hands outstretched, they were groaning as they were running with all they could master in their almost functioning bodies.

If there were to be anymore, they knew they wouldn't be able to take them down.

All the men began to back away to the doors of the hospital, trying to take down as many as they could with their weapons. Each reload panicked them as the zombies kept on coming. Everywhere was becoming swarmed with them.

They were almost within reach of them, trying to reach out for them as they pushed aside other eager zombies. Many were ready to rip their throats with their hands clawing out and their yellow teeth bared.

With many still finding them all, they weren't gunning more than there were of zombies revealing themselves from the dark of the city. Everything was beginning to get too much.

With a hard hit of a wrinkly grey hand, all that was much was cut to black for Dean.

Dean felt burning pain all over his body, the pain keeping him from slipping unconscious. His body was trembling as he crying out for help, all his pained body feeling unable to move from off the ground.

He tried to reach out, but everything that seemed to stab him from his arms to his body caused a sharp pain to strike at him. With defeat, he brought it down and let the zombies find him from the middle of the street, their growls as their approaching callings.

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