13. Hunters On The Hunt

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The piercing screams of guards filled the dungeons as the undead killed many, tearing into their flesh like wild animals. With the guards focused on the horror eating at them, Liam was able to walk the halls with ease.

But the shot in his leg made him wince all his way.

Marcy was quick to find him as he searched around the place for the others. With her hair in a messy bun, she had blood on her grey shirt, the blood likely not to be hers.

"Are you alright?" She asked him with concern, breathing hard.

Liam looked down at himself, seeing nothing but the blood that soaked his pants. "Well, I have been shot...but I'll manage," He told her, trying to force a smile through the burning pain of the back of his leg.

After heading back, he knew he was going to have to get that removed. He wasn't looking forward to walking on it all that way.

Marcy nodded. "Good," She replied, already heading in front of him to the way out. "Let's go!"

Liam followed her, keeping his eye out as she lead. The screams of men still continued to go on, but with the zombies having outnumbered them all, their screams were dying down.

Something didn't sit well with Liam at the thought of the undead just taking them like that.

As they began to run out of there, two men blocked their path immediately. Both Liam and Marcy stopped in their track, eyes wide as they saw bigger weapons than theirs in their hands. They looked at them with such fury, they turned around only to come face to face with more guards.

Until they were surrounded.

In a quick panic from their sudden appearance, Liam tried to get out his gun, but he then froze once realising he didn't have it on him.

Fucken bastard, he thought to himself, pissed off.

But a bang called out loudly, the gun's bullet slightly grazing the face of one of the men. But it then passed him, piercing into the man near. With a shot to his head, he dropped to ground lifeless.The blood of the man was splattered on the ground before them, his face sinking with it. 

With a simple shot of a man, there was utter chaos.

The sounds of guns were loud to his ears with their bangs. He quickly ducked down, covering himself from the bullets that could easily pierce into him, kill him. His heart hammered as he grabbed onto one of the men's legs, using his strength to push him over and slam him against the hard floors.

Liam then punched the man, cutting the man's sight to black. Quickly, he grabbed hold onto the dead man's gun, instantly recognising it as a 00-Buckshot. He positioned it into his arms and reloaded it.

"Liam, pass!" Marcy called out from behind him, also ducking down. "I'll handle them this time."

Liam threw it over to her, hesitant at first to have thrown away his only source of protection. But he held the feeling back, keeping himself grounded and attentive.

"Okay, now go!" She told him, moving herself into a corner, invisible to the attack of zombies and humans playing in front of them.

"But...Eva," Liam hesitated, realising he didn't see her with her. "Where is she?"

Marcy looked down, sadness filling her eyes. "I don't know," She answered him, but then looked up with desperation. "Just go!"

Liam gave her a quick nod, turning away and fastening his pace. In his mind, he prayed they would all be in one piece. If not...

He didn't even want to think about it.


The run to the hostial centred in Melbourne was a long one.

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