19. Infection And Destruction

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All of the crowd brought out their weapons as they marched the streets of the town in all their zombie glory. Their eyes blazed hatred and longing vengeance.

Each and everyone who followed the almighty Francis was given the virus willingly, only a few unwilling. He had them injected with the deathly substance, the hungry virus biting despite them being alive. It all happened in a matter of minutes.

No, seconds.

Finally, they were just as they say; zombies. Their equals.

His father would be proud.

With yells of anger, they gunned the place down. The undead shot people running all about, the people shrieking and crying. As they ran, they chased them down and hunted them like the animals that roam the wild as others shot them in the head.

Each killing felt like a winning.

Blood leaked from the wounds of crying people, their life disappearing before them. No zombie dared to spare, biting into their throats and clawing into their heads to their brains.

The taste of human's flesh was extremely tasty that day, their blood tasting of juice and their meat tasting of freshly burnt toast.

Sirens rang out, signalling for all to leave immediately. But if only they rang sooner, many may of made it out alive. All were going to die.

They were going to make sure of that. And when they were, they were going to welcome them with the new life made just for them.

Their master awaited for their arrivals.

A buff woman had a chainsaw roaring in her hands, rasing it high as she howled loudly. She swung it at the poor man near, sawing off his head as his blood splattered all about.

Within the frightened crowd, Andrew Stevens called out for all to run as quickly as possible, pushing them aside to the forest near. There, he knew they were better off.

But as he was trying to attempt to get many away from all the horror, a zombie jumped onto his back from behind, biting into his shoulder. He screamed in pain as he fell down to the ground, his body beginning to jerk as the infection worked.

His old infection had finally found life.

From afar, a large zombie came in through the crowd, shoving everyone from it's path. It growled as it's eyes looked around wildly, spotting a dog barking near. With another growl, it made it's way to the dog with it's large fists tightened at it's side.

The black dog immediately whimpered, tail going between its legs as it ran off. The zombie chased the dog until it's hand was within reach of the dog's tail, dragging the dog forward with all it's might.

With a last whimper, the dog was ripped apart by the monstrous zombie before anything could stop it.

Children ran all around, crying out for their parents. But their parents were already dead, piling in the bloodbath that bleed beneath their feet. They then screamed with their eyes wide with fear as their parent's killers took them in with their parents. 

They didn't harm them overboard, considering the fact that it would be easier to have them be introduced to the life in one piece.

With everyone dying everywhere, the town began to burn. Fire came from houses, smoke lingering in the air thickly. The undead began to light the homes on fire with loud bombs, wanting all the people to scramble out and meet them to face to face.

Chaos was brewing as the undead were rising.

Francis watched it all from a high window, staring down at it all below. In a dead stranger's double storey home right in middle of the town, he sure was getting quite the view.

His eyes lingered there for awhile, taking in all the blood and terror until it gave him a sense of content. It thrilled him to see all the destruction he desired for so long play out before him, every single scream sounding like a note.

With many screaming all at once, he could hear music.

And now, it's time, he thought to himself, more than ready for what next was to come.

But first, there was something he needed to do.

With his eyes finally leaving the lovely sight below, he looked down at his bare arm. In his other hand, he held a needle with all he knew to create.

The infection.

He gently injected it into his arm, the sting of the needle hurting hardly to him. But the injection then came quite paining with the virus coming into him. Not only did he feel pain.

He felt dizzy, his vision threating to blacken. His tried to keep his standing as he rubbed the ache in his head. But his body felt like it was on fire as his brain was seeming to drain.

The scent of the blood from the havoc outside gave him cravings he had never thought he would ever crave. It was unexplainable to what he smelt, but all he knew he desired to dig into a brain right then and there.

Find some dignity, damn it, Francis scolded himself, rubbing his head as he tried to think clearly.

Fortunately, his virus was strong. These zombies were like no other.

These zombies were extraordinary.

The host had most control over the parasite, with the parasite being a lingering shadow.

As Francis then stared out at the chaos below as a new being, someone made their way hesitantly into the room he stood. Their feet were silent, but his new hearing picked it up like a loud radio. His new scent also could tell him who was behind.

Liam entered into the room, slowly approaching him. He could even smell the fear on him, which only made him smile brightly.

Francis turned around to face him, eyes filling hopeful. "I was true to my word when I told you I felt there would be a beginning to something greater," He told him.

Liam didn't smile as he only frowned. "Isn't this a little to much? Extreme, maybe?" He hesitantly asked him, picking at his shirt nervously as tried to die away the screaming from outside.

"I'm still the same man, and will always be. And the world is just the same. There's no reason to fear," Francis assured him with a soft voice, leaning to attempt for a kiss like the good old days.

But, like before, Liam backed from his affection.

"You're not the man I once knew you to be," Liam admitted, shaking his head slightly from the resentment growing in him. "You've changed more than you may know over these years."

Francis was beginning to feel the same resentment, staring down at him with his eyes cold and distant. "Improvement is the key to success," He told him, bitterly. "If you believe otherwise, then leave. And if you may, die."

Before Liam could say anything more, Francis angrily walked passed him and headed for the door. As he opened the door, he left the room, leaving Liam to be alone in his darkening thoughts.

Not until you do, he thought darkly, feeling the urge to scream with fury and cry rivers.

The dark seemed to consume him as he thought on more, all there felt left was the approaching end. His plan to cure them all.

Word count: 1227

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