4: home again

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Dylan's POV:
Finally, I got back home in North Carolina I walk up to the front door and knock. My mother answers with wide eyes and her jaw dropped to the ground. "Dylan! What are you doing here!?" She asks while hugging me. "I just wanted to visit." I say. "Well come on in, honey. How are you? You haven't called or anything." She says while sitting in the couch. "I know, I've just been really busy." "I understand. Do you want something to eat?" She asks. "No, I'm good, I ate on the way." "Oh okay." "So how's Kay?" "Uhm she's good. She's attending NYU." "That's good, she was so excited to start there." I smile at the memory of her jumping up and down when she got accepted. "you should call her." "Yeah I will." "No, right now!" She throws the phone at me. "Fine" I dial her number.
Kay's POV:
I was looking through a wedding magazine with Will when the phone rang. I looked at the number and it was the Fishers home number. "Hello?" I answer the phone. "Hey, Kay?" "oh my gosh, Dylan?" I say while getting up from the table and walking outside. "Yeah," "why are you hone?" "I just wanted to visit. How are you?" "Uhm I'm good. How are you?" "I'm fine. I've missed you a lot." "Yeah. I've missed you too." "you wanna go down to Henry's Hotdogs later?" "Dylan, we can't just go down to Henry's hotdogs and pretend like we didn't break up or that you didn't leave because we did and you did. And plus I have company." "Who?" "My fiancé, Will." "Fiancé? Your getting married?!" He almost yells. "Yes. Dylan, I've moved on and you need to too." Then he hangs up the phone. I feel a little tear travel down my cheek but quickly wipe it away, take a deep breath and walk back to Will. "Hey who was that?" He asks. "Oh just an old friend calling." "Oh okay. You wanna go get something to eat?" "Yeah, let's go." I say.

Dylan's POV:
"Hey did she answer?" My mother asks. "Yeah she did. why didn't you tell me she was getting married before I called her?" "I wanted her to tell you." "Mom, I just made myself look like an idiot! I can't believe she's getting married. How could she get married?!" "I know sweetie, I know it's hard. But maybe it just wasn't meant to be." "Yes it was meant to be. She was my best friend we belonged together." "Exactly, belonged not belong. Everything changed when you left. You and her just fell out of love. That's what happened to me and your father." "No, that's totally different. He treated you like crap. I love her and I know that deep down she loves me and I just want her back so bad but she's freakin getting married!" I yell. "Dylan, maybe it is time that you move on. Go out and meet someone. It's time that you stop thinking about her. Maybe you and your brother can go out tonight and do something." "Yeah. I'm going to take a nap, it was long trip." "Okay sweetie, I'm gonna cook some dinner I'll call you when it's done.
I go up to my old room. When I walk all I could think about is all the memories about me and her. This whole town reminds me of her. I knew I should not have came here.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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