1: graduation

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>> before graduation<<

"Which white dress?" Emily asks me. "Well considering that ones mine, I suggest the one that's yours." I laugh while grabbing mine from her. We get dressed and go downstairs. I see my mom and dad in the kitchen. "We have to get there early so we're leaving now. I'll see you guys later, love you!" I say while walking out the door. We get in Emily's car and leave. When we reach the school emily gets in her usual parking space which is right beside mine. we walk into the school and first person I see is Dylan. "Hey there hottie, you gotta name?" He says while putting an arm around me. "Yeah its 'i have a boyfriend so back off'" I laugh and hug him. "Are you nervous?" He asks. "Yes!!" I answer. "It's okay. I'm right here by your side and I'm not leaving!" He says. "Okay well I have to leave your side to go get my place but I'll see you on stage!" I say and peck his lips.
"Kaitlin Renee Stone." Our principal says as I walk up on stage while my heart is pounding. i smile and gladly take the diploma and stand back in my spot which is in between Dylan and emily. "and that is our senior class of 2008!!! Let's all give them a round of applause!!" He says. We stand up but Dylan doesn't stand. "What's wrong?" I ask while sitting back down. Everyone is throwing their caps and running back to their parents. "Kay, I need to tell you something." He says. "What?" "I'm going to the military." He says while looking down. "What? When?" "Tomorrow." He says. "No you're not. We're suppose to leave tomorrow to go check out NYU. Dylan if this is a joke, it's not funny." I say while looking puzzled. "It's not a joke. Kay you know I love you, but I have to do what feels right." He says while I'm crying. "Yeah your right." I stutter. "Hey, I don't leave til noon tomorrow. We can still go to Henry's Hotdogs tonight like we used to and tomorrow I'll take you out in a picnic before I leave." He smiles. "you know I can't say no to that smile." He say while still sitting. "Cmon lets go." He says while grabbing my hand. We leave and go to Henry's hotdogs and I spend the night with Dylan. (FYI we didn't do anything). Then the next day we go on a picnic to the park. "Let's go skip rocks like we used to!" I say while grabbing his hand to pull him up. "Okay okay fine." He laughs.we skip rocks and play around for the next hour or so. "Okay so, I'm leaving in about an hour and a half so we better get going." he says. "Why do we have to go right now you live 5 minutes away?" I ask. "Yeah but I still have some packing to do." He says. "Oh well can you take me to my house first because I have to go to the grocery store and some other things to do." I say as we get in the car. "Yeah of course." we finally reach my house and I get out. "Wait!" He yells as I almost go inside my home. "What?" I yell back and walk over to his car. "I just wanted to say bye and that I love you and that I will never stop loving you, you know that don't you?" "Of course I do. Dylan, we're saying out goodbyes in half an hour, not right now." I laugh. "I know but I want you to know that I love you." "Well, I love you too! I have to go. Bye I'll see you in a bit." I kiss his cheek and walk in my house. I go to the store and run some errands. It has now been an hour and a half and I'm already crying as I pull up in Dylan's driveway. But, his truck is gone and no ones outside. I knock at the door and his mother answers. "Hey, Kay come on in..." She crys. "Where's Dylan?" I ask puzzled. "Sweetie, he left about an hour ago. He said he told you goodbye." She says. I'm kinda mad at him for not letting me say goodbye to him properly but I probably would have done the same if I were him. "Oh, Kay, he wanted me to give you this..." She says as she hands me an envelope with my name written on the back. And this is when all my tears came tumbling down.


Hi guys this is a new book I hope you enjoyyyyy

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