Getting to know Dylan and Kay

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Dylan Fisher and Kay Stone were the perfect couple! They've known each other since they were little. Everyone adored they're relationship. It was true love. Then they're senior year ended and Dylan was sent off to the military and Kay was left alone. They would write letters to each other but sadly, Kay stopped writing. She decided to move on in life and now she is engaged. She loves Will and he loves her but she also loves Dylan.
Kay: has dirty blonde hair
Is 5'6
Has piercing blue eyes
Dylan: has brown hair
Brown eyes
Will ( Kay's fiancé) blonde hair
Blue eyes
Emily ( Kay's BFF):
light red hair
Brown eyes
Darla (Kay's mom): blonde hair
Blue eyes
Nathan ( Kay's dad): brown hair
Green eyes
Heather (Dylan's mom):
Dark brown hair
Brown eyes
Taylor ( Dylan's brother): dark brown hair
Blue eyes

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