"There's more."

The editor in chief frowned and said, "I looked at the plan. The original number of words in Wangwang is only one million. Let the editor in charge of Chukuang have a good communication with Chukuang. The company hopes that he can expand the outline and strive to write more than three million words."

If you don't do well in books, you will be cut off.

On the other hand, if the book's performance is good enough, the publishing house will let the author write as many words as possible, because the more words, the more money.

"All right!"

The chief editor nodded.

Most novelists won't refuse this proposal. Novelists also want to earn more money. Who doesn't want to?

Besides, how many novelists dare to guarantee that their next book will be popular?

"In addition."

The editor in chief thought about it and said, "be sure to serve Chu Kuang well, and don't have any conflict with him. If Chu Kuang is poached by other publishers, you can move your butt."

"Good, good!"

The chief editor nodded.

Even if the chief editor doesn't remind, the editorial department will treat Chu Kuang as a big father.

Because "Wang" this kind of competitive novel fire brought about by the impact is absolutely chain, the success of this novel proves that sports novels can also be big.

This is the beginning!

In the future, there will be a large number of sports novels in the market, and Chu mania may become the front of Qinzhou sports novels!


Supernova is a large-scale essay collection, and the silver blue library is also a leading old publishing house in Qinzhou, so many peers in the industry are staring at their essay results this time.

"This supernova class seems to have gone far."

"Supernova five books, four score less than five, the only one high reputation novel called" Wangwang ", but the choice of the theme is too small, sales are certainly not where to go."

"The silver blue library has today."

"The collapse of supernovae is a big blow to the signboard of supernovae. This wave is too bad this year, and the number of contributions to supernovae should be reduced next year."


The publishing industry is discussing that peers in any field are enemies, so the competitors of Silver Blue library are gloating.Dingsheng publishing house.

This is a publishing company of the same scale as the silver blue library.

The editor in chief of heyday was very happy when he saw that the supernova in the silver blue bookstore was not performing well. He also made a special call to the person in charge of a chain bookstore: "isn't the supernova selling well this time?"

"I've been worrying about it lately."

The person in charge of the chain bookstore opposite seems to be worried.

The editor in chief of heyday is more happy, but he certainly can't show it. He pretends to be sympathetic: "now the market environment is bad, don't worry too much."

"You misunderstood."

The opposite side explained: "the sales volume of Wangwang is very good. What worries me recently is that this book is seriously out of stock. Many customers come to the bookstore to call for this book, but I have sold out."

The editor in chief of heyday was stunned: "what?"

He said with a smile: "I don't understand your careful thinking. I just want to see the jokes of the silver blue library. The top four supernovae of this year really don't perform well, but the fifth place" Wang "is still very popular, so I ordered 150000 copies with silver blue at one go today!"

The most prosperous editor in chief

The opposite side also said: "sports novels are a blank market. I suggest that your publishing houses pay more attention to this topic. Don't you like to follow the trend most in your market? Foreign adventure market is good, just a bunch of people write about foreign adventure, now there is a market for sports, let's follow suit! "

Bookstores only care about selling books.

They don't care much about the rest.

"Good..." the editor in chief said stupidly

After hanging up the phone, he was silent for a long time. Suddenly, he opened up a large group of editors in the editorial department and sent a message: "all editors in the youth fantasy department are going to finish watching Wangwang tonight."



"Look at Wangwang?"

There was a lot of excitement in the crowd.

Seeing that the editor in charge was still at a loss, the editor in chief had never been so hard at typing: "people's silver blue can dig out such a big money as Wangwang, why can't you? Next, give me more sports novels! "

The crowd was silent.

Sports novels, big money?

Is the editor in chief sure there is something wrong?

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