Chapter 14

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Trigger warnings - swearing, cringe moment (please forgive me)

Sapnap's pov
It one month til the wedding and I'm freaking out really badly. There's so much to be done. Cake, how it looks the reception, food and vowels. "Sapnap calm down you have a month and everyone's willing to help," Dream say. "You don't know how hard it is to put on a wedding in front of a whole town idiot," This makes me stress out even more.

"You could have a strawberry or chocolate or vanilla or a mixed cake," I look over to see my sister brainstorming cake ideas with Karl. "Ok I'll think about that," He smiles while Hannah runs off. "Sapnap's freaking out again," All I can hear is two laughs after that. "There's no need to stress we have a whole month," "And your birthday," I completely forgot that the weddings a day after his birthday. "Well why not do anything for my birthday," "Karl birthdays are always the best in the castle and Sapnap you can get Tommy and Wilbur to plan that,"

I mean it would help if they did that. "Do you really trust Tommy," "If he's with Wilbur then I'm sure that it's fine," "Anyway I'm gonna check up on Quackity," We watch as Karl walks away.

-After a while more of planning the wedding-

Karl's pov
I'm just sitting down writing down some ideas to help Sapnap with the wedding because he said he wanted to do it all by himself but I know he's stressed and needs some ideas. He's gonna thank me later. "Why is your lost so long but Sapnap's is so short," "I've just been natural with coming up with ideas," Ever since I was young I would come up with huge list of things for my teddy bears tea parties and they always turned out amazing. "I can tell. Do you want me to give this to Sapnap or do you still have ideas?" "You can give it to him. I think he will have more then enough ideas,"

Now time to spy on some of the workers. It's been a game I've been playing with the workers with out them knowing. If I don't get caught I win a point but I if I get caught the workers get a point but I'm winning so far. I walk around spotting Punz standing at the front door of the castle. I hide behind one of the plants hoping he doesn't see me.

I've been here for 30 minutes so I've obviously won. "Karl why are you still hiding behind that plant?" Punz says looking down at me. "How long have you known?" "The whole time," I'm gonna kill this man. "Why didn't you tell me sooner," "cause I found it funny," I'm now pissed so I get up and walk off. When I walk into the ballroom I see Wilbur and Tommy with two other people that I've never seen.

"Um hi who are you guys," I ask obviously confused. "Karl this is techno and Philza or as Tommy says Dadza our other family members," "Hi then I should probably go find Sapnap," "Alright bye Karl," I hear Tommy yell. How does that kid yell so much and his voice doesn't get tired what. So maybe finding Sapnap was a lie because I'm still gonna play my game. I find Puffy and Niki just cleaning the kitchen. I watch them for another 30 minutes and then I sneak out. One point for me.

Ok now I need to find Sapnap. "And we're done for the day because my brains hurting and it's 3pm," "Dude you've got a whole month calm down," Dream said. "Yeah and you've been planning for ages," I say looking at them. I make my way over and sit on his lap. (Karl be like his lap is now my chair) "When are you proposing to George?" Dream had been planning it for awhile he just hasn't been able to do it. "I'm not sure Karl I'll do it some month after the wedding," Everyone knew Dream was nervous and just came up with random. "Dream you could have done it last month but you decided not to. Your worse then me," This is what Sapnap always says when we talk about Dream not being able to propose.

"Karl I have more cake ideas," I hear Hannah yell. That's the one things Sapnap did not want to do. "Ok write down the ideas and I'll look at them later," Hannah runs out of the room happily. "Ok I need to take you somewhere private," "Alright you guys do that and I'll leave," Dream says walking of probably to find George. "Ok where do you wanna take me," I say standing up. He  dragged me outside and then put a blindfold on me. "Sapnap I don't trust you, take off the blinfold," "Nope that will ruin the surprise," He leads me in a direction for probably about 10 minutes.

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