Chapter 4

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Trigger Warnings - homophobia, F slur, Homophobic dude beating up someone, swearing, mentions of cancer(I'm pansexual, but I'll hate to write this scene. If you are uncomfortable with any of this skip to the next chapter but I won't be giving a recap. Most will be not so hard to deal with but feel comfortable to skip. Most of this will be important for other chapters though)

George's pov

Today was the day all the royal families were coming for the masquerade. I could tease Karl all day because we were standing greeting royal families. The royal family says they are gonna stand there all day but they only greet the first family before they go do their own thing.

"Karl are you ready for today," I say seeing Karl is ready. "Yep, just don't talk about the masquerade." He said with a sigh knowing I'll still bring it up. Dream and Quackity are doing their own things. Me and Karl walk out and Sapnap and Hannah are standing outside.

"Why are you two up. We were meant to wake you guys up?" I say. "We just got up early so we came over here," says Hannah. I see Sapnap taking small glances at Karl every few seconds. "Karl come do my hair," Hannah says dragging Karl to her room. "He could have caught you staring at him. Your just lucky Hannah noticed," I say

Karl's pov

"Karl, can you do half up half down, and curled?" Hannah asks. "Sure," I say know this will be the easiest hairstyle I do.  She needs to look nice in front of the other royal families. "Let's also pick out your dress,"

 "Let's also pick out your dress,"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(This is the hair)

(This is the dress she's wearing)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(This is the dress she's wearing)

"Ok, let's go," I saw walking out with Hannah. Both me and George had to wear suits. I'm not allowed to wear the same outfit to the masquerade. "Hey George, "I say to George walking over to him. He was wearing a dark blue suit. I think it suits him. We were talking to each other but now and then I thought someone was looking at me. 

The prince and the servant (Karlnap)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang