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At first I only wanted to have a look around and see if someone was close or if they had finally teamed up. However you see things never go as planned.

The moment I saw one of my teammates meaning Iron Fist around my plan went thought the window and into the fish pond swimming.


Look at that!

That's Iron Fist!

Oh he is alone now.

Oh and look he is awake now!

Oh shit!

So how do I deal with him?

I could go stabby stabby on him....

Yeah let's do that!

The moment I had a new rough plan in mind, I took out the knife and went crawling the ceiling towards him. This time I wanted to scare the living shit out of him and began laughing like a maniac while coming closer to him like a damn demonic possesed spider. I still had blood on me from everyone else so demonic would fit..


He only turned around looked at me before turning back around and sprinting away from me screaming.


Too bad that I was sure that no matter how much he would scream, no one would come for his rescue and so I began jumped off the ceiling and started running towards him in order to get right in front of him like a ghost, seemingly just appearing in front of him with a knife at my face and liking the blade. Thankfully it was dark and this costume was definitelly helping me out big times too.

He immediately stopped and stumbled backwards. I let him run away in another direction before chasing after him and cutting his left ankle on his foot while running past him.

Iron Fist: AH DEMON!!!

Me: You mean Spider!

He once again stopped only a meter way from me. This time I began to walk around him.

Me: You know... you screamed soo much and yet there is no hero coming to help you~ You are al alone~

Iron Fist: Peter? For a moment I thought you were... never mind.

Me: Say it~

Iron Fist: Nothing...

Me: You sure?

That was the moment I jumped from the side and cut an X mark right where his little friend was on his costume and had this man falling to the ground. I was on top of him while still smiling and emiting this ominous aura. 

Iron Fist: What are you-

He was really dumb if you ask me. This was all fake blood and yet he didn't manage to realize that but it was not as if I was covered in fake ones. I had real blood on my hand as well as costume.

Me: Your blood smells nice. How about giving me a bit~

I started to make a huge bloody mess on his costume with the blood filled knife. Blood was covering him slowly but surely  and all the drama queen did was fall on the ground and cry? He was shaking a lot and he definitelly lost his cool facade. It was soo annoying that I couldn't help it but stop and get off him, grab his costume and yeet him into the next wall.

He screamed all the way. It was more like a mixture of screaming and crying and the moment he fell down to his knees, I jumped kicked him and made a black flip. He was now definitelly kissing the floor.

I did wonder if he liked it down there.

Apparently this was not enough since he was still conscious so I took a step further and went to the place he kissed the floor and dragged him across the floor.

Me: Looks like this was not enough for ya buddy ~

With Iron Fist in one hand, I used my knifes and my drawing ability to get a master piece done. It was clear by now that Fury and Agent Coulson needed more excitement and so I wanted to give them a nice present and a good show no one will ever forget.

I quickly made a cut mark on Iron Fist's throat and started stabbing him until he passed out once again but he screamed the whole time as I watched the fake blood cover him. Although I knew that this was all I needed to do, I still continued making cut marks until he was nearly completely covered in blood. This all took me only a couple of minutes. No one stopped me as no one saw this or so I thought.

Captain Amerika: Get away from him!

I heard Caps voice coming from behind me, I made sure to throw Iron Fists body again him watching the hero go down to the ground with Iron Fist.

After that I've decided to just leave them be anderase my presence and get out of there using the shadows and darkness in these hallways. It was not his time yet.

Arachnophobia (Fury's War Exercise for heroes)Where stories live. Discover now