Chapter 4

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Aiden's POV

"Bend from the waist, grab the backs of your calves" Roland said.

His voice was soft but it carried through the whole studio. The only other sound was the grunts and breaths of the students.

I did as instructed bending forward turning myself into an upright sandwich. I grabbed the backs of my calves and pulled with all my might.

This pose always gave me a strange sensation. My legs were being stretched up away from the floor while my arms and chest were pulling down towards the floor.

I knew my form wasn't great: it was hard to get the forms right when you were heavier like me. My package protested but I forced it out of my mind.

"Keep your grips tight. A solid grip is the foundation to every pose" He said.

He paced back and forth on the platform watching all of us.

He had a way of speaking that addressed the room but made you feel like he was speaking just to you.

I glanced to the side and saw one of the other ladies in the class. Heidi. Her pose was perfect. Immaculate. She smiled into her shins, sweat pouring down. She was thin. So thin that her body never got in her way no matter how she bent, twisted or contorted.

My grip slipped and before I knew it I was tumbling forward. I had enough good sense to tuck my head in but my momentum had me roll into the neighbor in front of me. He fell down sideways hitting the person to his right. "Shit" he said.

"Sorry!" I said "I'm...."

The whole room was looking at me

"Sorry" I said  bending over to grab my mat and towel. They pulled up with a loud wet sound and I fled the room in embarrassment. The cold blast of air from the foyer hit me like a wall.

A round open room with light wood paneling on the walls, the foyer was off a hallway from the main gym where the weightlifters and treadmill rats were.

While the yoga studio was still part of the gym as a whole, this made it feel more private. Ferns were spread around the room, giving the space a warm and secluded feel.

It helped to be in the right mindset before bending yourself into a pretzel.

I heard the door open behind me and turned to see Roland, his concern plain on his face.

"Are you alright?" He said. Sweat dripped down his muscular chest.

"I'm fine. I lost my concentration, that's all" I said "Don't you have to get back in there?"

"I gave the class a bonus ten minute rest. They're ecstatic. They're probably conspiring to fall voluntarily now" He said
grinning. He motioned to a bench "Here, sit"

I sat down and wiped my brow. "I don't know, Roland. You run a great class and your instruction is very helpful"

"I'm sensing a but coming" He said

"But" I said, gesturing empathically, "I don't know if I can do it"

"What do you mean, Aiden?" He said

My stomach fluttered when he said my name. "I just. . . the poses can be very hard. For someone like me. I don't look like the typical yoga practitioner." I said

"I'm here to teach my students. You're one of my students." Roland said

His legs fell open and his knee brushed against mine.

"But the other students in the class do it so easily. I must be a distraction. I know I'm a distraction." I said

"Sometimes, Aiden, distractions are what we need" He said

His eyes rested on my lips. The smoothness of my skin pulling him in. He cleared his throat and looked away.

"The key is to maintain focus" He said

Heidi walked out, her long tanned legs leading the way. Her blonde hair was done up in a ponytail and she looked better than any TV diva.

"Hi Roland, Hi uhh" she said

"Aiden" I said

"Right" Heidi said. "We're missing you in there Roland" She sauntered over puffing her chest out as she stood next to him.

"If class is done, I suppose that's fine" She said putting a finger lightly on his shoulder.
"We can make it up in private sessions"

My excitement by his attention suddenly shriveled. I knew how this played out. Ever since high school, I'd experienced this exact thing. I'd get to know some cute guy, get the wrong signals and suddenly I was left embarrassed or bloodied.

I stood up and collected my things.
"You should get back in there" I said

"Wait Aiden" Roland said.

"I'm just not feeling well today. I'll make it next class" I said

"Promise" he said   "I promise" I lied

I turned and walked into the locker room,
my face going beet red. I heard Roland and Heidi going back into the yoga studio.

Alone in the locker room, I peeled off my soping wet shorts and hopped in the shower. I felt so stupid for thinking that someone like Roland would be interested in me. But maybe I was overthinking this. Maybe he was just an instructor and Heidi was just a student. I dried myself off and changed into my clothes.

I packed my things, left the locker room and decided to go back home.

Author's note

That bitch Heidi interrupted 😡😡 hahaha 🤣🤣🤣
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