Sunshine {published 4/19/15}

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I am the light who's quite bright, I glow, shimmer and sparkle, it's not just my look and shine. Upon the light, appeared a bright flame, he burned up and flipped the perfect hair on his head, as the choir sings, like angels. I like the bright flame, I wondered if we could inlight each other . His voice was raspy, deep, and so cute. I wondered why such a wonderful flame, spoke to a girl of light, did the flame have light feelings? Was he thinking bright when he liked the light. We are both powers of light, fire and a bright light. The flame walked up, burning and sweating, flipped the perfect hair and came up to me, he said I was quite a bright light and he would be enlighted to go out and have a bright and burning light day ? Flames are as bright as you, he said, smiling a perfect bright white light. Then lighting flashes, she was a lighting bolt, as her light power. He goes and begins, looking at the girl, lighting bolt. I was no longer, a bright light. He turned me off. I couldn't stay a bright light, while a powerful flame, put me out. Could I get my light back??

August 26th, 2014 {the original date I wrote it}

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