Wild! Cinderace X Reader

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You hesitantly made your way through the dark woods, many leaves and twigs stuck in your hair, and a feeling of dread deep in your stomach. You had stupidly accepted a dare your friend had given you of finding a red rose from the many bushes found within these woods. However, your sense of navigation was very low, so you had ended up getting lost, with no service to call for help.

"Oh gosh I hope that wasn't a spiderweb." You squealed loudly as you began to slap at your face trying to get whatever touched you off. After a few minutes of jumping, shaking, and slapping you continued on your way, catching a glimpse of smoke not so far.

"People!" You shouted in relief, hopefully they were friendly people you thought as you hurried towards the direction of the smoke. After a few minutes of careful jogging, you reached sight of the small fire pit created in the center of a small clearing. You huffed loudly as you crouched a bit, trying to catch your breath, a bit disappointed you didn't see anyone there.

"U-uh hello? I-Is anyone here? I'm a bit lost and I was hoping you could show me the way back..." You stated a bit timidly, getting a bit nervous as the sound of crunching leaves could be heard getting closer.

Regretting the decision already, a Cinderace suddenly emerged from the dark bush, with a large pile of sticks in his arms. Your eyes widen at the sight, making him drop his sticks in utter confusion.

"I-I'm s-sorry...I-th-thought you were... a human." You blushed a bit embarrassed, silently praying that this Pokémon was friendly and not at all in a mood to pick a fight.

The Cinderace seemed a bit shocked by your presence, but it shook it off quickly as he knelt down to pick up the sticks he had dropped.

"Oh! H-here! Let me help!" You felt terrible for startling the wild Pokémon, so you reached out to offer him a hand. He seemed a bit surprised by your actions, eyeing you a bit suspiciously. 

"I swear I don't mean any harm....I just want to find my way back to town." You muttered, helping him carry half his stack as he tossed the other half into the fire.

You watched as the fire began to envelope the sticks slowly, sheepishly standing close to it to warm up, setting the sticks down as well. The Cinderace didn't seem to mind as he kicked a small blazing peddle into the fire, making it roar loudly.

"W-would you maybe know the way back?" You quietly stated, hugging your knees close to your chest as you watched the fire gloomily.

The Cinderace sat down a small distance from you, resting an arm on his lifted knee, looking over to you as you spoke then looking up towards the starry sky as if indicating it was a bit too late.

You droop a bit, hugging your knees tighter as you tried to keep yourself from crying in frustration and fear.

The wild Cinderace seemed to notice your change in mood, scratching behind his head in thought.

"Cinder! Cinderace!" He suddenly grabbed your attention placing a paw on his chest then pointed at you, doing this motion a couple of times.

"I....can stay with... you?" You muttered softly, feeling a bit relieved that you weren't going to be alone.

The striker Pokémon nodded, swiftly getting onto his feet as he ran off into the dark woods. You sat in silence, with only the wind and the sound of the crackling fire to keep you company.

After a few minutes, he came back with a small bundle in his paws, walking over to you as he handed it to you with a smile. A bit surprised, you took it from him, setting your legs down as you opened the small bundle in your lap, only to reveal a handful of berries.

"Oh wow- thank you so much Cinderace...I was getting a bit hungry." You sheepishly stated, placing a berry in your mouth, as you felt his curious eyes on you.

After finishing your small snack, and calming down, you glanced over to the Pokémon with a curious grace.

"W-why are you all alone out here..?" You questioned softly, feeling a bit stupid after realizing that he couldn't talk.

He looked over to you with widen eyes, then his eyes become stern as he looked over to the fire, seeming to be deep in thought.

You mentally punched yourself for asking such a personal question and you quickly scooted closer to him to apologize. 

He shook his head, looking over to you with a small smile, as you both looked into each others eyes in silence and curiosity. The fire seemed to dance in his eyes as he shook his head, as if snapping out of his trance.

In silence once again, listening to the leaves rustle with the wind, as it began to get chillier by the minute. Cinderace turned to look at you, noticing your shivering, and scooted closer to you, lightly gasping as you felt his warm fur brush against your arm.

The wind, however did not pipe down, blowing out our fire in the process, that was when Cinderace decided to look elsewhere to seek shelter.

You followed him close behind, his blazing feet illuminating a light as he led you deeper in the woods.

You both eventually found a narrow cave hidden among many bush and vines, which you both slipped into, having to press onto each other as you tried to get comfortable.

You both accidentally bumped heads, blushing darkly as you felt your chest press against his.

"O-oh g-gosh I'm sorry Cinderace, it's just... so c-cramped in here." You stuttered, noticing that he had stiffen at your closeness.

"M-Maybe w-we c-could-... o-oh-!" You squealed a bit as he dragged you down onto his lap, now sharing the same space, it allowed for more room in the tiny crevice of a "cave". 

His feet then began to produce small flames, feeling a warm wave of heat hit your body as it began to warm up the small space.

You never would have thought that you would be lost in the middle of the woods, sitting down in a wild Pokémon's lap, and here you were and the thought of it just made you blush in embarrassment.

Cinderace didn't seem to know where to place his paws, moving them from the floor, to his sides, and even having them hover over your thighs.

"You can rest them here you know...I don't mind..." You bit your bottom lip as you grabbed his paws and placed them on your sides, feeling him shuffle under you a bit.

"A-am I heavy?... Maybe you could sit on m-m-" Before you could finish he shook his head no, feeling his warm breath hit the back on your neck as you shivered a bit. 

With a awkward silence in between you both, you decided to break it.

"It's so sweet that you're taking care of me....even if you just met me haha.." You looked down at your hands bashfully. "I really do appreciate it Cinderace...and once you take me back tomorrow, I'll be sure to reward you graciously." You turned to look at him with fluttering eyes, watching a dark blush appear on his snowy, white cheeks.

As the night carried on and you sheepishly explained your tale of your silly dare with your friend to him, your eyes began to flutter shut, slumping onto Cinderace as he held you close. The adventure with your new found friend only beginning.


Part 2?

Cinderace X Reader Oneshots - Fire Burns Bright Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat