Human Cinderace x Reader

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"How long are you gonna be gawking at him (y/n)?" Your friend grumbled as she nudged your shoulder with her own.

"I-I wasn't!!" You protested, playful pushing her to the side as you walked down the hallway beside her to your next class.

"Sure you weren't, you practically have drool running down your chin just looking at the guy."

"Oh shut it you...I can't help it...." You mumbled embarrassed, looking back out the window to spot your soccer player crush running through the field with his team as they practiced.

"Why don't you just tell him how you feel already? It's frustrating just seeing you watching him from afar without him knowing you like him.." She stated, shaking her head as she brought your attention back to her.

"Are you crazy?! He's a popular jock....and well...he'll never notice someone like me alright?" You muttered sadly as you walked away from her, going into your last class for the day.

Once the bell had rang, indicating that you were free to go, you quickly rushed outside, hoping you wouldn't run into your friend on the way out.

Finally exiting the school, you looked down at your feet as you walked, hearing your friends words echo through your mind as you ponder, clearly not aware of your surroundings.

Suddenly you hear a shout, looking up quickly as you notice a soccer ball flying straight towards you, making you cover you face with your arms as you wait for the impact, but it never arrived.

You slowly uncover your face, noticing a figure in red standing in front of you with the ball in his hands and a disappointed expression on his face.

"You guys seriously need to watch where you kick this thing." He shouted as he tossed a group of guys their soccer ball back, watching them scurry away soon after.

"Hey, are you okay?" He spoke softly as he turned to face me, making your jaw shock in realization.

It was him. Your crush. Standing in front of you....He.. saved you...

"Y-Yes! I'm-I'm fine thanks to your beautiful self- I MEAN thanks to you!" You quickly corrected yourself feeling your face flush darkly.

He let out a soft chuckle, placing his hands on his hips as he looked at you curiously.

"We were in art together last year weren't we?" He asked as he tilted his head to the side with a smile.

He remembered you...You nodded, slightly fidgeting with your fingers as you looked at the floor shyly.

"So that's why you looked familiar...I wouldn't be able to forget such a pretty face." He grinned, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks as he pushed back his red-dyed bangs.

You felt your heart do flips in your chest as you looked up to meet his eyes, was he... flirting with... you?

"You know...since I kind of saved you from getting knocked out by that ball...maybe I could take you out?" He looked up to the sky, seemingly trying to play it cool as he casually asked you out, slipping his hands deep in his pockets.

"I would love to.." You whispered slightly dazed. In hearing this he reached out and took your hand, walking side by side as you enjoyed one another's company.


Part 2?

Cinderace X Reader Oneshots - Fire Burns Bright Where stories live. Discover now